Life, love, and new "finds"

Happy Friday everyone :)

I have been loving this new place of ours, and my days have been filled with all kinds of new and exciting things. I've been noticing cruise ships at Cozumel; they dock there and passengers ferry over here to Playa del Carmen for the day. I'm in awe of the size of these things though! The photo isn't terribly clear because the sun was shining directly on it, and I'm a fair distance away, but you can see the ship, and the tallest building on the island to the left of it :)


Here's another one from yesterday. It was a bit closer, but because of the overcast skies, the buildings aren't as noticeable. Still amazing!

I discovered a mama bird with her nest hidden up in the palapa today!! I love being able to watch nature at its finest :) I'm so excited to watch new life take shape, right before our very eyes!!

She managed to pick a perfect spot too; under cover, and on the support of a branch that's grown under there from the tree outside. Notice the netting underneath her? That was to keep the birds out hahaha

Here's dad checking in today, just making sure all is well :)

And of course Buddy, waiting for any opportunity to pounce. Although you can tell from his size that he's well fed, so I don't think he's going to outrun the birds anytime soon :)

I've also been swimming everyday, not just lounging in the pool, but actual exercise because I was getting a little "soft" from all of my relaxing haha Actually, I'm in love with water, and swimming has always been my favorite "exercise" to do; it doesn't even feel like exercise to me, just fun, but I can tell from even a few days of it, that I'm working muscles I haven't used in a while. My landlord, George, already calls me the mermaid :)

After swimming, Brian joins me for a bit in the pool too. After his first time in, and having a seizure (yep! in the pool! Thank goodness I am strong!), I made the rule that he's not allowed in there by himself, and he readily agreed!

Every afternoon we spend time in our comfy orange chairs and read together. It's so peaceful and simple and totally relaxing. We are both in heaven, and so very happy. I've caught my mind wandering a few times to "what will I do when...?", but quickly shut that door and focus on the now !!

So by this time of night, it's 9:30 now, I'm really tired, but it's a nice tired :) Here's the view looking out our window from the bed. Mexico really does have fantastic sunsets. And that weirdly shaped rooftop? It's an apartment, with a weird roof design :)

Even Buddy is wiped out too haha I'd say he's pretty relaxed in his new home too :)


Have a wonderful weekend everyone! Hope your days are filled with peace and love <3

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