The letter from the 16th President of America, Abraham Lincoln, to the son's head teacher

_DSC0902-2.jpgDear Sir,
I have sent my son to you for knowledge. This is my special demand for you to make him ideal. He must teach your son that all human beings are not honest, not all people are just and fair. He will also teach them that every evil person can be a hero, every selfish There is also a good leader among political leaders. Teach him that one is the one to get five money Earned money more valuable person.
He will teach him how to accept defeat and how to enjoy the victory. To teach him to remain away from violence, if he will teach him the hidden beauty of silent laughs. He learns to understand this beforehand, that those who persecute can be easily captured. Teach what mystery is hidden.
Teach my son, failing to imitate the school is more honorable than being cheated. If there is a great trust on the leader, even if everyone thinks it is a mistake. Teach him to be gentle towards the gentlemen and to be strict against the harsh.
If my son does not follow the knowledge of everything without knowing the whole thing, instead of following the habit of drunken people, he should learn the truth by taking the right action after discovering the true mystery.
He should learn how to smile in grief. He will not be ashamed of the tears of the time. He will teach him to understand. Those who are merciless, learn to hate them. To be more careful with ease.
Let me treat my son kindly but do not sweat, because the steel is burnt in the fire. My child does not have any weak knowledge as impatient, as if to be progressive and courageous patience. He will teach him such a great confidence in himself, then he will have confidence in the human race.

                                                                                                          yours faithfully
                                                                                                        Abraham Lincoln
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