It was my life

I was raised in Avoca NY. Back in the late 1900's during a time when everyone treated each other like family. Our neighbors parents disciplined us like their own. We didn't eat fast food much.... We drank Kool-Aid, ate bologna sandwiches, PB&J sandwiches, hot dogs,and spaghetti, We grew up in the town during a time when we would gather glass Coca Cola bottles to take to the store and use the money to buy penny candy and soft drink in glass bottle. You sure could get a lot for 25 cents.,
We went outside to play games like , red rover, baseball at the end of the street in the neighbor's field, water fights, kick ball, hide and seek, jumped rope and raced against each other down the road.
There was no bottled water. No microwave or cable. No cells!
We watched cartoons on Saturday morning from a black and white TV with 3 channels. We would ride our bikes for hours all without a cell phone or electronic games. We would ride or walk to visit the library and find a book by cards; not a computer screen cause there was no such thing. We weren't afraid of ANYTHING except our parents. You LEARNED from your parents and grandparents instead of disrespecting them and treating them as if they knew nothing. What they said might as well have been the gospel. You treated the teachers with respect too because if you got in trouble at school, you would get punished from your paperents as well.If someone had a fight, that's what it was...a fist fight and you were back to being friends.
Kids did have guns but never thought of taking a life, especially not their own. When the street lights came on you had best be home. School was MANDATORY. We watched what we said around our elders because we knew If we DISRESPECTED any grown up we would get our behinds busted, it wasn't called abuse, it was discipline!
We thanked God for what we had and think anything was owed to us.We respected other peoples property.
Please and Thank you were part of our daily dialogue!
Re-post if you're thankful for your childhood and will never forget where you came from! Wouldn't it be nice if it were possible to get back to this way of life?
Copy & Paste. Don't forget to change the name of the town to the one you grew up in.

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