No Entertainment Like The Idiot Box

4 minute read

Yesterday I was supposed to be writing but was having a mild case of fatigue, or a strain of deSTEEMliophobis. Writers block. So instead of going on a walk around the block, I chose to switch on the idiot box, for a dose of some

Immediately it was to the news channels.
Clown News Network first, it was all about baby Charlie Gard. Okay, if you know nothing of this debacle, let me summarise. Eleven month British baby is terminally ill, with a very rare disease, on life support, his doctors at a London hospital say they want to put off the life support so that little Charlie can rest in peace. His parents say no, give him the chance to fight for his life. Hospital says no, he must die! Parents appeal to the High Court, court says No, Charlie must go! Parents appeal to the Court of appeal, No he must die! In Desperation they appeal to the supreme Court of England, are ye so thick?

Devastated, his parents say OK. Let us take our baby home to die in peace with us. The hospital and Courts say NO, we must kill him and watch him die on our own watch.

Presiding troll of all things news network and their affiliates, then tweets

That Charlie should be sent to the US so that he can be saved by the experts across the pond, well all the expert doctors at Great Ormond street hospital, feeling this must be some expert attempt to troll the entire British medical establishment and rejected the offer. Fully Backed by the high, appeal and supreme courts. We will not be trolled by a blondie redneck, no we shall not!

Parents now mortified, ignoring the fact that BREXIT, or EU go f*ck yourselves talks have begun.

Chris Grad 32 and Connie Yates 31, then send an S.O.S. across to the mainland to the European Court in France, to help them either keep the life support alive or let them take sweet baby Charlie to Yankee Doodle, or atleast go home to have baby Charlie die in a place warm and nice and not smelling like iodoform and NHS pabulum. To their horror, the super liberal French judges return with a NO, CHARLIE WILL DIE. It is for his own good, let his suffering end and we will not be trolled by the Yankees.

The Pope in Rome then intervenes, since Madam Prime Minister, Theresa May is still reeling from her busted ego in a failed flash election, 10 Downing street will not touch the issue even with a pair of anti radiation robot appendages.
His Holiness the Pope asks that Charlie be brought to his own special hospital in Rome, Bambino Gesu (Jesu with a funky spelling) so that his Holiness can lay Holy hands on baby Charlie and take away his suffering and heal him? No! Ofcourse not, no parlour tricks. This is a serious drama.

So the dedicated band of ne'er do wells, who actually care that if Charlie has no chance it should be his parents decision. The valiant Charlie Army, take to Twitter and Buckingham palace to bang, clamour and chant her majesty, a grandma herself, the Queen to intervene in this fiasco.

©Daily Mail

OK, if you are lost or not following. Story so far. Baby is sick and dying. Hospital wants to pull the plug. Parents say no, please don't. Doctors say he must die. All courts in England say Charlie must die.
Frenchies chorus, Oui, je ne suis pas Charlie, this time he must die!
Pope says but why, God no! Trollinionaire in chief, Trump, says bring him over here.
To which a resounding NO!
10 Downing Street is silent. Too radioactive this issue. I think that's the summary, don't shoot me tho if I missed any. I am just the messenger, this is reported speech.

Well at this point I saw the pretending heads at self proclaimed fake news, aka the Counterfeit News Network putting up their most emotional performance discussing and reporting this story. I could not help but wonder about all those babies being gassed and bombed in the middle East, or the ones suffering malnutrition in other continents. Well who cares, we have all the ratings soaring through the roof, nothing like a good baby story. Instead of getting trolled by Trump.

I just flipped the channel to the East, and ended up at Al-Qaeda public relations, or is it Hamas or ISIS, dunno anyone. Aljazeera. Only to see that while circus drama is on in the west, Xi of China is hanging out with his main man Putin, as they are consolidating how to take over the world. Not a complete show without a brief cameo, and routine security council barking em, condemnation of our now regular terror Armageddonist.

"I just got me a new far range ICBM toy America, so I bomb you soon SUCKERS!"

After a fit of laughter, the best medicine, and a kick-start from the idiot box, my writer's block was pretty much nonexistent and here we are.
I hope we as a species and co-Earth asylum inmates get our priority straight, and end this turn based brain damage we accept as consensus reality.

RIP Jacque Fresco 1916-2017

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