Human Rights Day

South Africa celebrates Human Rights Day on this day and whilst sitting having a cup of coffee this morning, I listened to people phoning in on the radio with their comments as to how they feel about this day which is a public holiday.

There were an assortment of comments - some for it and others against - and this got me thinking about how I feel about things.

This country has come a long way and the lives of many have been greatly improved - however, the one thing that I feel should change is the way people love to hang on to all the bad things of the past instead of putting it behind them and keeping their focus on the future and how that can be improved.

But, I guess that is human nature - we seem to remember the bad days far more clearly than the good days - why is that?

Sometimes I feel that we as humans never really learn to let go of the past and in some ways, we seem hell bent on repeating history - what a waste of time when our lives are so brief - we should embrace every day that we are given.

The comments on the radio from many of those that phoned in, showed me that a vast number of people have not yet learnt that the real human rights are not a state of demanding a better life but rather an attitude of gratitude for the life we have been given.

No one knows when the last breath will be taken - so embrace each other, help each other, let go of the past and focus on creating a bright future for us all.

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