Sunday Blues

It's that time of the week again.

The weekend has once again galloped by in a blur of unproductivity and procrastination. It is currently a beautiful 26 degrees Celsius outside, yet I am cooped up indoors trying frantically to cram-learn for 2 exams this week. It's usually at this stage on a Sunday that I ask myself a few questions. 1- why do I let my life spiral out of control and then have to spend another beautiful Sunday paying for it? 2- why are Sundays blue? Can't we make a global agreement to make Sunday a fun day. No more moping around being upset with life. Get up! Get out! Go swimming, running, hiking. See friends, go party!

Imagine how much brighter the world would be if we refused to let Sundays get us down, how much more energized and re-vitalized we would feel on a Monday if Sunday had been fun.

So with this in mind, I'm off to play some touch rugby with friends. I guess there's always tomorrow to study...

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