An Introvert in an Extrovert's World

Being an introvert can be tough.

Especially in a world dominated by extroverts. As the saying (I think?) goes: 'Introverts don't make new groups of friends, they find an extrovert who likes them and takes them under their wing and forces them to make new friends.'

I have always been an introvert. The solitude of my own thoughts has always been a safe haven for me from the constant bombardment of attention and energy thrown my way by friendly people who only have my best intentions in mind. I was cursed with the misfortune of being both an introvert and having a resting bitch face- a tough feat as a man but one I succeed in monumentally. People are genuinely intimidated by me- a ridiculous prospect when one considers the fact that I am petrified by the thought of social interaction.

Facing such a dilemma, I've learned to adapt. No-one likes a loner, no matter how cool they are, thus I have almost forced myself to adopt the traits and trends that I am so quick to criticize and hate. I have become a social extrovert, which is a complete turnaround for me and quite frankly is deeply unsettling, but nonetheless has been a powerful tool in my social arsenal. I actually thrive on social interaction now, although I am a markedly better social butterfly after a few (read MULTIPLE) alcoholic beverages, something which is probably a major contributor to my standard Saturday morning hangover.

I do not think I am alone in this struggle. In fact, I believe a lot of us out there are only social because we have forced to be. Solitude is a blessing that numerous people wish for yet few people enjoy, but one struggles to find an anti-social drunkard.

I am trying to constantly improve my social skills (whilst sober) through forcing myself to interact with people in situations I would actively choose not to be involved in. I made the choice to tutor a course at my university- something that I wouldn't have wished on my worst enemy- and I have loved it. It taught an important lesson- putting yourself out of your comfort zone can have incredible benefits. I now am comfortable presenting to panels, and find interviews a breeze. While I still struggle in certain social situations, I love interacting with people, especially those that I have never met before. I have become a different person, and believe that anyone else can too.

Being an introvert in an extrovert's world can be tough, but only if you let it be. If I can learn to better myself, so can anyone else. So get out there, be social, and put yourself out there. You might just surprise yourself.

And, as always:

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