May Horoscope Week 2 - Mon 7 May to Sun 13 May


Love - Love is strongly linked to the activities you are immersed in, and so love relationships may develop with colleagues or associates who you are working closely with, but will these relationships last when the task is done, or the phase is over? It may be a love born of highly specific circumstances rather than an attraction based on your true selves.

Career - Aries must be more discriminating as you are not always selective enough about who you throw your hat in with – often carried away in the moment, associations look good, but when the hype dies down, you may feel you have been pulled in the wrong direction.

Health - Make sure you do not overburden yourself with responsibility just because you need to prove yourself.


Love - You see yourself differently all of a sudden, and thus your social circle and the people you are attracted to also change. You are happy to be angered at times by a new partner; you like the way they bring out a tiger in you.

Career - Taurus can use their communication skills to diffuse tense situations and act as go between, but where you are being a go between, make sure that you do not become the story – it is about how you can help, not you taking over.

Health - Changes Taurus begin to envision right now can encompass every aspect of your life, your health, your appearance, your approach, and your relationships, and that also means that those closest to you need to start getting used to the idea that you are not the same old same old; you are going to ring some changes.


Love - Gemini’s romantic life is more colourful, and if you want to compare it to a night out, it’s a buffet with a cabaret rather than a quiet candlelit deal with Chablis and sea bass. You are romantic but not necessarily affectionate as you tend to want to drag your lover around doing endless new things instead of sitting still long enough for him/her to slip his/her arm around your waist and cuddle in.

Career - Your energy and appetite for study is keen, making this a great time to hit the books and set yourself some new intellectual goals regarding languages, new skills, studying things you may have never thought of before but which are more accessible than you think, i.e., forensic science, equine studies, veterinary nursing, travel and tourism, or horticulture.

Health - Things happen with less effort right now – so if you are moving in the right direction, one in tune with your inner purpose, you will know as it will take off surprisingly quickly and snowball.


Love - You and your partner can get caught in a wasteful cycle where you throw caution to the wind in favour of instant gratification – frustration in love can be taken out on the cheque book as you look for solutions to emotional problems in the material world.

Career - Working with others is very much a theme, but it tends to work better where there is a common goal that is non-monetary and rather rooted in some ideological notion. Teamwork regarding working to deadlines, and goals that have a monetary target can lack the sort of over arching inspirational ‘changing the world’ feeling that will drive other goals to success.

Health - There is a rebellious streak in you now, and while you will resist any overt control or pressure from others, you can sometimes end up being swept along in a wave where you are unwittingly surrendering control to a group.


Love - You don’t really have the patience for long, deep, and meaningful (perhaps meaningful to your partner not necessarily to you) conversations – you are in the mood to look for a solution or drop the subject and move on; you are not keen on moaning and lingering on negativity.

Career - Leo have a boost of creative energy, and this can be used for brainstorming new ideas and problem-solving. This energy is not just mental; you can work with your hands adeptly and also be more inventive and daring in your sporting pursuits.

Health - You are pretty competitive and will not walk away from a challenge or a dare, which means you can put yourself in precarious situations which you may regret, and so take more care and do not get carried away in the heat of the moment.


Love - More outgoing and spontaneous, you will attract many new people, often from a very different crowd to usual, and that can lead to important new friendships which morph into love relationships. The most important feature in a new lover is someone who allows you to be yourself.

Career - Virgo are known for being quite cautious, and all earth signs are rather conservative, but right now you are happy to take risks, especially when you have that burning feeling in your gut that the time has come.

Health - It’s all very Formula One this month; with pace, energy, and some aggression. Don’t forget that even Formula One cars need a few pit stops. You can neglect your health in May in your zest for achievement, activity, and also because you may be travelling more.


Love - Extra energy and a positive attitude enable Librans to inject love relationships with that added enthusiasm which makes sex and general life together more satisfying.

Career - Just like an actor can turn it on when they step on the stage, Libra are ‘ON’ this week, and you can achieve feats that you would usually think are beyond you or out of the comfort zone. The comfort zone is an endangered species this week.

Health - A very good week for physical activity, and yet that activity has the most benefits if it is outdoors rather than in a gym or indoor venue. Activities like camping, fishing, sailing, rowing, can be excellent ways to keep fit; get enough sunlight, and get away from the electrosmog.


Love - The younger you are, the more challenging this week can be regarding relationships as feelings run so high, and you may not yet have enough experience to understand it all; if more mature, you can adjudicate your feelings and benefit from the excitement and change the new relationships bring into your life.

Career - This is a spendthrift time; Scorpio are liable to waste money or resources just as a way of letting off some steam. However, if you can accept the temporary limitations and start working with them more calmly, you can achieve a great deal and do some worthwhile groundwork.

Health - You should eat a variety of foods and start cutting back on the bad stuff slowly, not going cold turkey. This can be a very good time for dieting if you take it gradually rather than starting off with massively ambitious targets.


Love - Love can be a tricky area this week for reasons that are connected to tension, restlessness and your need for brutal honesty. You are not very patient, and your levels of empathy are lower. You have little truck for what you see as trivial and to be honest ‘trivial’ is quite a broad concept for Sagittarius right now.

Career - Your curiosity is intense, and you are fascinated by anything new from world events, local gossip to technology. You may find it hard to concentrate, and this is definitely not a week to schedule any repetitive and arduous mental work that requires long hours of concentration.

Health - You are highly competitive, but you are better off competing in sport rather than competing in the ideas realm by arguing on Twitter which can just wind you up more.


Love - Any dating experience that is new to you can be successful, and this is certainly a time when unconventional relationships, age gap relationships, same-sex or gender fluid relationship can work our well and contribute to understanding your own sexual nature more fully.

Career - This is the start of a period of progress, improvement, and greater freedom of expression regarding your artistic pursuits and management style. It is time for you to make your mark on any project and in many cases to jump-start some progressive and more expansive thinking.

Health - Expect the unexpected when it comes to children and pregnancy. This is a time when a surprise pregnancy is likely.


Love - In many ways Aquarian cross the Rubicon in relationships, in other words you get beyond a certain way of thinking that keeps you in one place, almost controlled and imprisoned and once you mind has made that leap regarding a realisation, progress comes very fast and often manifests in the physical world (rather than just in your mind) rather quickly.

Career - You may not always listen to others, most often you have made up your mind, and you don’t really care what others think. You are not very compromising, and others may find you quite intimidating when you express yourself.

Health - You enjoy other people in small doses, but you cannot linger too long anywhere; you need to keep on the move. A time of going where you may have always felt you were supposed to go both mentally or physically or morally just to see what happens.


Love - You can overlook many things your partner does as you tend to understand that the intentions were not bad even if the final result was a bit under par. You tend to be very forgiving, and you want to help rather than pass judgement. You tend to realise that many issues need more understanding and less criticism.

Career - This is an outgoing time where you can develop contacts with people who can help you develop ideas, introduce you to new concepts and help you improve your intellectual ability. A new learning method could revolutionise your life.

Health - Eat more sweet potatoes, yams, bananas, Brazil nuts and spinach. These are all a great support for your nervous system at a time when you are very mentally active, and the pace of daily life is hectic.

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