May Horoscope 2018 - Love, Career and Health


Love - Love can be confused with a more general mood which has gripped you. Aries may fall in love fast this month, but often you are in love with an idealised version of that person, or you may be in love with them as they are reinforcing your opinions and beliefs.

Career - This month is a very moving time for Aries involved in group activities or movements – you are fond of any activity where you gather en masse with others with some great idea or ideal to espouse. This is good month to initiate activities which require joint action and cooperation.

Health - While health is rather good this month and Aries have a strong spirit within which keeps your mood high and your body’s power to regenerate and recuperate strong, you must work to a plan as you can easily throw energy away with pointless, thoughtless pursuits

Love - Taurus are often attracted to Aquarians and Scorpio, and this month you will find that attraction more noticeable as you draw those two signs towards you, especially in romance but also as friends. Single Taurus are more ready to experiment than commit and so make that clear in all new relationships to avoid complications.

Career - A great restlessness and call to action begin to stir in Taurus, and yet we are not talking quick fixes and sudden changes. We are thinking about attitude and mindset changes that will in the next few years begin to yield both sudden and far reaching success and changes.

Health - Your physical strength and endurance is greater this month, and you need to keep busy or at least mentally active as you have a great deal of energy coursing through your nerve fibres which could become nervous, anxious energy is not properly channelled.


Love - Secret love affairs are possible this month – either secret as you are both attached or secret as you fear that other people can create those complications you are so keen on avoiding.

Career - This is a very restless month for Gemini when the usual things you do are not as exciting or satisfying, and you begin to wrack your brains for what could be missing. Your searching can lead to a whole range of new activities or interests all of which could themselves lead to other new interests as one road diverges into another.

Health - On a metaphysical level, you can keep fulfilment and success at bay via negative emotions which affirm that you are not worthy; however, you can loosen the shackles of negativity in May, being more adventurous regarding self-expression and also more willing to put yourself in the limelight.


Love - The great thing about love life and the reason good fortune follows you when you follow your heart is that your prime aim is enjoyment and also expansion of your cultural awareness, and if the opportunity for love comes along at the same time, all the better.

Career - This is a restless month where you are anxious that grass should not grow under your feet. You may be looking at the bucket list and feeling despair about goals you feel are slipping away. The truth is that nothing is slipping away; in fact, you are about to develop a whole raft of new goals that will ultimately be more exciting and fulfilling than the old list which could have been based more on what others were doing than on your unique callings and inner spiritual yearnings.

Health - This is an ideal time for a change in lifestyle, so if you have been wanting to change your life in a more fundamental way than just adopting a new diet or trying a new gym, this is your moment.


Love - Leo can be a little defensive this month; you will perceive attack where there is none and can be quick to judge a situation and get involved in arguments. It is harder for you to keep an even keel when the situation in love is choppy or emotional, and you may be inclined to storm off.

Career - This is a significant month as Uranus moves from Aries to Taurus for the first time in 79-odd years, and that is a change Leo can welcome as due to the Taurean influence on your 10th house, this opens up career opportunities and the chance to change your life direction for the better.

Health - This is a month of supercharged creative energy, light bulb moments, and rock ’n roll. If your life has been a little too Brahms, now you are ready for some Tchaikovsky overtures and marching music and the oomph for change and rut busting kicks in.


Love - You are not at your most caring or patient right now, although you will certainly leap to your partner’s defence and help them out in practical ways. You will not be allowing any crying on your shoulder – you will offer a pep talk and kick up the jacksy.

Career - If you have been itching to do anything or holding back, now is the time patience gives way to action, even if it is a little too soon. While you may act out of character and your impulses can get you into short-term bother, it will all work out, and speedy actions and reactions often pay off.

Health - Try not to get totally carried away with what folks in your new crowd are doing – what they are going along with may be right for them and even for you in time, but give it time, no need to be so gung-ho.


Love - You are happy go lucky, and this is a month of theatre trips, get-togethers with friends, and generally a more sociable, enjoyable time where the positive vibes keep flowing. Your generosity of spirit and sense of humour can bridge most gaps and soothe most problems this month.

Career - Uranus causes quite a bit of tension this month; this tension can manifest as irritability, sudden bouts of nerves, or bursts of passion. However, this tension can help you to up your performance and give more under pressure. Women can be your stumbling block, and so you have to work extra hard in interviews with women or where you face a female-dominated panel.

Health - This is a stressful month, and yet you can keep a lid on the stress by doing simple things such as avoiding heavy meals like pasta with creamy, rich sauces, fried foods or chips and also bacon and pork.


Love - This is a period where relationships with others go through some upheaval; Scorpio are more impatient with others, and you find it harder to get along with people unless they are highly adaptable and even a little eccentric. Scorpio gravitate to folks who are free spirits and a little out there; you reject more conservative thinkers who are safe and seek out adventure via controversial new friendships.

Career - The universe is testing how much you believe in yourself and what you are doing and also how committed and hungry you are for the result. Scorpio who lack belief and real emotional involvement will give up now and seek alternate avenues; those who are committed will work hard, be gutsier and perfect their product or writing to ensure even greater success.

Health - There is a pull to go from zero to all out regarding crash diets or taking on sporting challenges, but this can result in injury and overall will do more harm than good.


Love - You may find you get off on the wrong foot with people this month. It could be that you are making snap judgements about them or maybe you will find that you are emitting so much electric energy that others find it hard to relax with you, and thus they cannot really project as they usually would.

Career - With Uranus entering your 6th house of work this month, there is no reverse gear Sagittarius; you can now make big money by being pioneering. So you need to think about what is going to be happening in the next 7 years from driverless cars, automated building sites, Amazon deliveries by drone, AI, Brexit, new markets, etc. and think how that will affect your business and how you can get an advantage by planning ahead for these things now.

Health - Your need for constant change, for stimulation and novelty, can have you jumping from thing to thing never completing or getting bored before you get the benefit from what you are doing. Physical exercise preferably outdoors is vital.


Love - New relationships which start now will not follow the same paths as others have in the past; in fact, ‘path’ may not be the right word as you will not be cruising along one track, you will be bouncing along like a kangaroo and feeling rather out of control, but quite enjoying the experience.

Career - This is the start of Uranus’ entry into your 5th house, and for Capricorn, it is a very exciting phase as you almost feel as if you have permission to be more spontaneous and also dramatic. The universe is drawing your talents into the hot water from those latent tea leaves which have laid in wait for that injection of moisture and heat.

Health - Leg cramps can be a problem in certain types of exercise, and if you are on your feet for long periods – do stretches, massage the area, and keep hydrated with a rehydration fluid.


Love - Relationships feel the ructions of Uranus too, you are no longer happy to conform or accept limiting circumstances. If you have been surviving in a stifling or even abusive relationship, this could be a time when information comes to you, leading to a wake-up call when all the subtle manipulation and emotional control suddenly make sense, and you realise that it’s not you, it’s them.

Career - This is an important month as Uranus enters Taurus for the first time in 80 years and the first time in your lifetime, unless you are over 80 of course. The energies associated with this for Aquarians are both energetic, exciting, thought-provoking and perhaps also confusing and upsetting.

Health - Uranus entering the 4th often coincides with Aquarians beginning to think about moving home, family changes, i.e. kids moving out or back in, parents moving in or changes to your way of life, i.e. moving from town to country, moving to a foreign land, moving from a high rise flat to the suburbs.


Love - There is a strong sense of moral duty in relationships which helps you in making decisions. You make good on your promises no matter what, and one thing that will let you down is a partner who fails to live up to a promise; that can create a serious dent in trust.

Career - This month marks the start of an exciting time when many wonderful opportunities are in the pipelines – in some case, you cannot see or appreciate what they are quite yet as in true Uranus fashion they often come dressed up as something else, trick or treat style. Uranus aims to surprise and disrupt, and it urges you to then take the baton and run with the ideas.

Health - Doing puzzles and playing games is a great release in May. Pisces can get quite captivated by online gaming or other forms of games especially where quick mental responses are required.

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