June 27, 2018 Horoscopes - Love, Career and Health


Love - You are really making an effort to both look good and be more charming, Aries are looking to flirt and open up conversations that can quickly turn romantic.

Career - You have a great pride in what you do right now and you present with more aplomb and yet your affable manner belies a very persuasive arm twisting determination to get your own way.

Health - A time of inner balance and less internal conflict and thus Aries can smooth over differences in all your personal relationships, and make better judgments when it comes to conflict resolution.


Love - Situations that arise may well push your buttons and arouse that Taurean temper. The way others express power can rub you up the wrong way and you may find yourself caught up in significant struggles that consume you.

Career - You are a little less motivated and thus you look for the easy way out and may just cut corners, you are not lazy, but you are not driven right now.

Health - Taurus may suffer indigestion and you cannot resist things which you know are not good for you. Post nasal drip and allergies may flare if you eat too many foods with additives.


Love - A great time for a first date. Gemini in general project with a caring and open attitude in love and that improves marriages, sex life and helps you make a very good impression in terms of physical appeal and your general attitude.

Career - There is an easy energy about to day and you don’t feel under pressure with the result that you will avoid major decisions and tend to procrastinate a little.

Health - A good time for a lazy evening in the sun; the good weather may make you feel like anything but work or fitness training and you are most likely to arrange an impromptu get together with some snacks.


Love - You have a very big heart right now and you tend to be very forgiving, you will overlook most things and take an attitude of ‘out of sight out of mind’, some of the darker things are just not going to get onto your radar.

Career - You may spend more time assisting others and teaching than you will working on your own goals. Needless to say this may be a very significant day for teaches in terms of your pupils achievements.

Health - Although today is advantageous for sporting activities that enhance you in some way, ie competitively or in terms of fitness, Cancer may prefer to use this time to relax and to enjoy some introspection to clarify your aims for the next period.


Love - A time when you want to build bridges and you may feel the need to make friends with someone you fell out with, or have not spoken to for a while, but before you do try and remember why you stopped talking as that reason could be forgotten during this whole hearted and rose coloured glasses phase where you want to spread love.

Career - It may be mid week but Leo already feel like the weekend is beckoning and there is something about a holiday feel at the office and you can use the good vibes to get agreement and encourage cooperation even among people are usually at each other’ throats.

Health - Leo who are single may feel rather lonely right now and for you guys food and other special treats may have to fill the gap. A good time to ask what is going wrong in your love life and in terms of other life enhancing relationships? Is work getting in the way? Have you been too cynical or demanding?


Love - You feel confident and no matter what is going on in your love life you have this faith that things will work out and that better days lie ahead after a few bumps.

Career - It is not often that I have to tell Virgo not to count chickens before they hatch, but right now Virgo can make assumptions and leap to conclusions without all the facts.

Health - A time filled with interest, distractions and some gossip and that can help Virgo deal with the anxiety you often suffer from – you are fully engaged in life and your spirits lift.


Love - Libra can use the power of attraction to draw positive experiences in love towards you – it is not about what you do or say but how you feel. Genuine confidence and inner self-assurance lead to meeting people who can enhance your life and your sex life.

Career - Libra may be organising things and thinking about taking a few hours or days off so that you can spend time with loves ones as things at work are tailing off and you can see a window for some time away from the office or your home office.

Health - This is a good time to ask for support and to find other people who you can ask a favour of or call a favour in – if friends are not there to help you out then are they really friends? Good friends are helpful and happy to give you a hand right now.


Love - If the earth does not move you may feel an anti climax, Scorpio have such high expectations of others right now that even a good result can feel like a let down.

Career - While your effort is not in question, some of your methods can be inappropriate – you may do too much of one activity while neglecting another or others may find you high handed.

Health - It is hard for Scorpio to find satisfaction right now – you work harder, play harder, train harder and perhaps eat or drink more as you never know when enough is enough and you need to try and settle down.


Love - Sagittarians respond to emotion today and so the more someone is open, expressive and even dramatic the more Sagittarius opens up and wants to protect and nurture. If you play a Sag by being cool, you will get no response.

Career - A very good day for dealing with the public, coordinating events and acting as a go between – you have the ability to balance the needs of various parties and keep everyone pacified.

Health - Watch your alcohol consumption, especially if it is very hot and you are not hydrated, as one leads to another and you may end up with a hangover tomorrow.


Love - You are not your usual Capricorn self in terms of being reliable; you want your partner to back off and stand up for themselves while you experience some freedom.

Career - Pursue new ideas today, a good time to brainstorm, do research or get among people from your industry you have not met before to throw some ideas around and gossip about industry events.

Health - Boredom and routine can lead to lethargy and even headaches and so make sure today is one of communication and interaction rather than long hours slogging over a laptop.


Love - Keeping your partner happy may be expensive right now; they can arm twist you into spoiling them. A new date or person you are attracted to may just be expecting too much in terms of eating out and phone calls – can you afford him/her.

Career - Delay spending now as you are not able to resist a sales pitch, you are simply vulnerable to the charms of the salesperson especially if they are of the opposite sex.

Health - You may get more joy from watching sports and experiencing the competitive vibe vicariously through others than participating.


Love - A time of interesting encounters rather than romantic ones and so do not discount anything that happens now as you never know where it may end up.

Career - While there is a risk of overreaching your limits, luck generally is on your side so that things typically work out in your favour as your attitude is good.

Health - Foods to avoid right now are: breakfast cereals, bread, beer, chocolate and cakes; foods to dig into are: olive oil, broccoli, spinach, lamb, potatoes and coconut water.

JUN 27


Love - You are very caught up in the moment and your inability to see the wider perspective or understand the emotions of others can make you a little hard to get on with.

Career - Even your allies may create friction for your today; the people you usually rely on may have different agendas and can work at cross purposes to you.

Health - You have to take a long term view today; it is a time of frustrations and you cannot let emotions get the better of you, keep your eye in the prize without focusing on the bump in the road.


Love - You should avoid conflict situations even if your anger is totally justifiable, nothing can be gained from angry words and confrontation.

Career - With Mars retrograde in your 10th house some promising new avenues for you career may come to a crashing halt and you will have to take stock and pick up the pieces again, perhaps with the realisation that you had jumped the gun.

Health - Taurus may feel a little like the wind has gone out of your sails and you must look to gather momentum slowly again as trying to hit the ground running with a new plan is just not an option – you must accept slow progress.

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