Be Present and Truly Listen

Last week on my summer holidays:

It started raining early in the morning, and the idea of getting sun at the beach was unavoidably postponed.

Despite the rain, I decided to seize the day, it was time for a leisurely visit to Odeceixe!


First, I went up to the windmill to discover that it was built about 120 years ago using parts from dismantled mills from Lisbon. Nowadays it no longer grinds grains into flour, but serves as a museum where the milling process is explained.


"The windmill is located on the highest point in the village of Odeceixe, and consists of a traditional Mediterranean-style that has been converted into a museum, allowing for the demonstration of the ancient cereal milling process. Due to its location, the spot where the mill is situated also offers a good panoramic view of the village and the Seixe River."


Can you see the trail of the last fire?

Well, this village narrowly escaped the flames, and from what I've heard, the houses were only saved because people didn't Run away and kept sending water to their homes. What a nightmare!!
I don"t know what I would do in this situation!


We were at the beginning of August when I heard on the news that a fire had broken out in Odeceixe and quickly grew being difficult to estinguish! (I thought to myself that I probably had to change my vacation plans, but I'm glad I didn't). Given my fear of not knowing how to react if it was my home... I asked to the lady in the windmill if they had a big scare, wanting to understand how they faced the fire.

She explained people in the village were really scared and they cried out for help.

The trees in the cemetery were ablaze, the fire leaping through the streets using and burning the trees in its path. In Odeceixe, no lives were lost, and houses were not burned. However, the wildlife suffered! She told that instead of seeking refuge on house rooftops,birds flew toward the flames (likely confused and dazed by the smoke).

With a large area burnt and in the end of summer, the surviving animals now face great difficulties in finding food and water. The lady told also that on the previous week they saw a very thin fox by the roadside. It surely approached the village in search of food.

It is with moments like this of sharing stories and emotions, that humans connect with others. Empathy that can be better nourished in real life, away from screens.

Even though I'm on holiday without my computer, I still can't completely disconnect from work. The moment I saw Hakea salicifolia, I couldn't resist searching for how this Australian plant behaves in Portugal. The short answer is: 'Badly!'"

One and a half months later, there they are, sprouting like crazy! That's one of the reasons they are invasive plants in Portugal; they thrive after fires and grow and spread faster than native plants

Hakea salicifolia sprouting after a wildfire

By the end of the day, after enjoying a sweet piece of cake, the sun timidly appeared on Odeceixe beach and began to set.



I wrote this post on my smartphone while sitting on a sunny beach 🏝️⛱️👙😎🐚
It feels great to have time to write some of my thoughts!!

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