Injury At The Homestead, Time To Regroup My World.

This week our protector of the homestead was hit by a car. He ran out of the property for a moment and it happened. The last few days was long and stressful. Our dog has been @happymoneyman loyal friend and companion for 8 years. After the emotional rollercoaster of him being touch and go. He is going to be okay, we were lucky. 🐕


I took a few days off blogging, and I realized I needed some structure in my life for awhile. Some fresh inspiration.

I am introducing three projects.

Three new things to bring fresh creativity to my shorter days and colder nights.

30 day yoga challenge

At steemfest @acromott, @dayleeo and I talked about doing a 30 day yoga challenge together, yoga every day for 30 day's. I have a lot of aches and pains that would be greatly eased if I did yoga regularly. I make so many excuses about starting because it always hurts in the beginning. But a little pain to help a lotta pain is a good trade. It is under discussion, but it looks like from the day after Thanksgiving on is the timing. I look forward to having the public accountability and get my muscles stretched and relaxed for a set 30 day's. I will blog about my progress.

The Artist's Way 🎨

The Artist Way by Julia Cameron is a book that takes you on daily exercises for 12 weeks to help release creativity after an artist block. I have not been drawing or painting because doing it as a job took all the joy out of it for me. I want to create just to create like when I was a kid. I have ahead quite a few friends go through the book and have amazing results. I have had the book for a while and it is time to just do it already. I will blog about the process of completing the course as swell as the art I create. I am looking forward to stepping outside my comfort zone and blogging and sharing about my personal journey to rediscovering my creative self. I will also be starting that on the day after Thanksgiving. If you are interested in doing the Artist Way with me let me know, and I will upvote your update posts 💪


Surprise Project. 🌟

I will be doing a grand reveal on a new very exciting project I am working on. I hope to do some big things and will need your support to make them happen. I have a big dream and now is the time to do it. Keep your eyes open on my blog for details, they will be within the week. I am so excited 😉

Thank you so much for reading my blog. I am so grateful to blogging and all the amazing life changes that come with opening yourself up to the world. Thank you for receiving it.

If you liked this post lets be friends and follow me.

Big Love.


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