By Alexander Pym Allison

“Imitation is Limitation.” — Unknown

The human society is a study in diversity, different faces, culture, lifestyle, social class and religious believes. Growing up in such diverse world can be challenging or many persons. The challenge to fit in, to be acceptable and liked is even more unique to people with low self-esteem or self-worth.

Diversity is what defines the human race. Like a garden with different beautiful flower, humans comes in different seize, shapes and colours. This diverse nature is what makes us peculiar, unique and special as individuals. Our difference makes us to stand out as individuals from the rest of mankind and with this difference come different talents, abilities and creativity.

Many are afraid to stand out of the bandwagon. They would rather hide or walk in the skins of people they so-perceive to be better or superior by trying imitate them and thus abandoning their role play in the grand theater of the universe. Another factor making many to imitate others, is peer pressure. Studies have shown that many would rather be another person they feel are successful. They idolize these individuals, mimic they way they walk, talk and dress like them. These imitators lose their originality in pursuit of what they feel is an acceptable lifestyle in the society.

It is true that nobody wants to be left behind, ridiculed. Don’t limit yourself by living another person’s life while watching your life go by. Be yourself! being yourself is probably the most difficult thing… It leaves you feeling vulnerable and thus takes a lot of courage but know this, that,s the only place you can truly find, “ originality.”

It takes courage to stand out of the crowd, but know this, “an original is always worth more than a copy.”

“You have to be odd to be number one.” — Dr. Seuss

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