FEELING NOSTALGIC with this bunch

Hello, everyone!

Most of us, surely remember High School as the best time of teenage life. We all refer it as the "good old days" that we don't really feel stress a lot- no pressure with studies and all. High School is just filled with so much joy and we think of it with a feeling of longingness. These emotions are equal to good memories that we miss every time we think about it. This pertains to nostalgia that we get to feel whenever we look back to the best moments of the past.

Friendships that were built are most likely the first thing you think when reminiscing high school.
What makes us feel more nostalgic is the bond that we've made with these High School Friends. Whether you became friends with your seatmate, your assignment partner, your co-club member or anyone who has same interests as you, they likely impacted your whole High School experience that you won't ever forget. High School is the phase of our life wherein we are given opportunities to meet the people that become significant to us even until we graduate College and get jobs. We get to remember them always and they will remain as good friends to keep for the rest of our lives.

It may be the time of our life that we first get to fall in love and feel hurt. It doesn't necessarily mean that you fall in love with a specific person. Maybe you just learned to appreciate yourself for realizing that love can be received from the people you used to be with for 4 years- your friends. It is the time when you learn how friendship is important to earn and to treasure.

The best part, when you get more attached with this bunch or your circle of friends and be with them every time, (for some only) is when you sneak out classes, stay out late, and hang out outside the school. You never will forget these people whom you shared this experiences. Experiences that you may never come across again. You can then eventually use these memories as a laughingstock when you get old.


Last Weekend, my batchmates in High School messaged and just on that day planned to go out for a reunion. It was spontaneous and some of us were on the go. Out of almost 40, only 10 of us showed up. Others were busy that time plus it was Holy Week. We even made fun about how bad and disrespectful we are as a person for going out on a Holy day. I know God understands. It was his will and way for us to meet each other again :)


So, after gathering, we decided to go to Pizzarella- the famous Pizza house of our place. We had a hard time looking for a place and luckily we ended up eating Pizzas.


After Pizza, they went on a Videoke. I together with @janeynarzoles left for a short time for our dance practices.

Then, they visited us at our practice venue and fetched us to continue the fun!


We then ended up all the good conversations including the looking back to the High School days at a certain Coffee and Tea shop. It was full of laughters and jokes that time. We all remembered those funniest, craziest and unforgettable times before. So missed those memories when we were all so young and nothing in mind to worry about. Just living life free from all types of stress unlike we are experiencing now. Wew. Time flies really fast and now we're adults.

Truly, you can appreciate experiences and memories when you get to miss it, especially when you used to live by it every day for years and then transitioning happens. One of the hardest to experience after High School is when you realize you will never be with the same people you used to be with because they have a different path from you. Being away from this good friends that you've made is something that breaks you. Separation anxiety then kicks in.
But when you are reunited with them, you get to look back on those memories you have shared together. And just laugh as if it just happened yesterday. :D

Thanks for reading this day's blog!!

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