Evolites - A Pathfinder Tale

Hello Steem! I don't know how many of you dabble in the world of Tabletop RPGs, but I'm going to rant about a campaign I'm writing because I don't have many places to geek out about this without spoiling the story to my party. Without further ado, enjoy my tale of the Evolites.

The intro starts something like this...

//Pre-Character Creation Intro

You woke up early this morning and immediately notice a strange feeling in the air.
Your memories of last night flash before your eyes, (insert good/accomplished backstory
moment here, ex: got your first kill, revenge completed, found an ancient relic, etc.)
After recalling your impressive feat, your focus soon turns back to the present. That
strange presence still there...as if...someone... watching... You whip out of bed and
arm yourself.

Strange. The object before you is... strange. An orb, a very odd floating orb is right
before you. It's pretty, almost looks like it's glowing, but you can tell it's not.
It's shiny, and you notice it's actually your favorite color.

More memories flood to your brain. Although these memories are of rumors you have heard.
Specifically you remember hearing of strange orbs following brave warriors into combat.
Or joining heroes on grand quests. They seem to follow people of power. Considering your
accomplishment last night, maybe you are one of these fabled people of power.

With newfound excitement and adrenaline pulsing through your veins, you start packing.
You know your current location is not a place for the strong or adventurous. You decide
to set off to the grande city Ul'Roth, the capital of trade and travel.

//End Backstory Scene

These Evolites are unique creations by me, loosely based off of Chaos from the Sonic Adventure series as well as Mags from Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst. The concept behind them is they follow people with potential and develop and evolve along side the character. The begin as basic orbs, about the size of a tennis ball, but will change over time.

The world I am putting these players is 100% out unique as well.

This is just the first rough draft. The beginning of the Campaign will take place in Ul'Roth, but they will travel far and wide for quests. The idea is to make the world free to roam with random encounters and quests ready to be explored. I should have a few sessions worth of content written and ready depending on the route the players decide to take. I am very much looking forward to seeing what actions my party decides to take since I'm giving them full control with only a little steering if need be.

Party Info

Domn Riverwein

  • NPC
  • Human Fighter, Armor Master Archetype.
  • The Tank
  • 23 AC at level 2
  • Parents are both high ranking guild officials
  • Momma's and Daddy's boy, wants to be like them
  • Spoiled and a little xenophobic about non-humans


  • Human Fighter, Weapon Master Archetype
  • The Ranged DPS
  • Murdered his father resulting in the arrival of the Evolite
  • Left his clan his father tried to destroy in search of something more


  • Catfolk Luckbringer
  • Rogue like fighter, but able to twist the tides of combat altering dice rolls
  • Grew up in Ul'Roth, but in the poorer district
  • Lived mostly the Artisan life with Adopted parents in a city she doesn't belong in
  • After a friend and mentor was killed by bullies in the docks, the Evolite came
  • Filled with eagerness to live a grander life and to put a stop to violence and evil

Unnamed Hero

  • Human Theurge
  • Magic DPS
  • Combines Arcane and Divine magic
  • Unknown Backstory
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