For the Venezuelans that have left the country and for those that have stay…

The transcendental choice that the Venezuelans that decided to leave everything behind… I will never get tired of admiring that determination… Leaving, most of the cases without a stable source of income, but are convinced that any opportunity is better for them and their family that dealing with this disaster, in a country that if you are lucky to be able to buy food you have to tell your children that there is only one arepa for each one and that the ground beef that you found “cheap” in the market is in reality a third quality one with more grease than meat… To everyone that is working hard in two or three jobs at the same time to also have to send more because in Venezuela everything is more expensive than any other civilized country, in reality, thanks a lot and infinite blessing to all of them...

In the other face of determination: Those that decided to resist to the last consequence, leaving our jobs of all our life to try to reinvent ourselves, wishing luck and success to our family and friends before leaving the country… while trying to buy food, paying the school of the kids, the condominium, fixing the car, picking up the medicine; putting up with the decree to raise the minimum wage, the hyperinflation and now the daily national blackout. All of this while trying to keep morale up against the wind and tide, while remembering that trough our veins runs the blood of Liberators so it can grant the strength to keep moving forward for ourselves and our families.

That is how Venezuela is nowadays… I particularly have my conscience in peace by being able to say that I did everything that was available to me to fight this regime democratically that has more than 20 year ruling my country with all of the public powers and the armed forces kidnapped, and being able to see my son every morning knowing that he will not be able to reproach me anything on this subject in the future.

The dilemma is that all of the effort and sacrifice that every Venezuelan is putting will only bear fruit if we can count with a political leadership that will no trip with the same rock over and over again. The Venezuelans have to believe in that the Interim President Juan Guaidó and his team will lead the country through that route that will reunite all Venezuelans with a free election and open the doors to investment, to true prosperity thanks to the creation of worthy jobs for everyone, leaving behind the perverse populist scheme applied in the last few years to hand out handouts to the people.

But if there is something in all of the Venezuelans, without exception, in or outside of the country have learned while going through this situation is to thank God for what little or a lot we have, to value and bless all of the food we eat, to be solidary neighbor that needs our help. That is our great learning and we have to replicate with our kids, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and beyond...

God bless Venezuela. Blessing for all


Pictures courtesy of Pixabay

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