La Familia, para mi es como la columna vertebral de una persona. Ya que te apoyan, es un amor puro y sincero a pesar de todas las peleas que puedan existir, ya que no todo es perfecto, jaja. Me considero una persona muy apegada a mi familia, mis padres, hermanos y sobrinos, cada vez que puedo compartir con ellos, lo hago, hay que fortalecer los vínculos. 

La familia no solo es la de sangre, ya que también existen esas personas, que son importante en tu vida, que te quieren y apoyan y son incondicionales, esas buenas amistades, que te regala la vida, que con el pasar de los tiempos y de las circunstancias se hacen familia, por todo el cariño y disposición que existen. No solo se trata de dar o recibir, se trata de ser sincero con todo lo que se haga.

Comparte y disfruta todo el tiempo que tengas disponible con tus seres queridos, que después no digas que te falto tiempo, deja lo negativo atrás y ve por lo positivo.

Aquí parte de mi familia.

 The Family, for me is like the backbone of a person. Since they support you, it is a pure and sincere love despite all the fights that may exist, since not everything is perfect, haha. I consider myself a person very attached to my family, my parents, brothers and nephews, every time I can share with them, I do, you have to strengthen the bonds.

The family is not only the blood, because there are also those people, who are important in your life, who love you and support and are unconditional, those good friends, that gives you life, that with the passing of time and Of the circumstances become family, for all the affection and disposition that exist. It is not just about giving or receiving, it is about being sincere with everything that is done.

Share and enjoy all the time you have available with your loved ones, who later do not say that you lack time, leave the negative behind and go for the positive.

Here, part of my family.

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