What Motivates You? by Olawale Olawalium Oladoja

source: google.com

What motivates you?
Often times we get so disappointed when a friend hurt us and the only reaction we lean on is to sometimes cut them off so the pain can be less bearable. The question is, what motivates you to be their friend in the first place? Value? Ability to not hurt you? Mutual benefit? Mutualism? Commensalism? Parasitism?

The driving force in any facet of life after we have been hit hard should be, what’s my motivation in the first place? This puts a lot of things into perspectives. I don’t think after failing a test or an exam, we boycott or cut off school process and call it bad names? What do we do? We try again. What’s the motivation? The lessons to learn from it, the degree and the grade, and not the failure we encountered. So, that should be our attitude to things. We don’t cut off the head for having headache, we do all we could to have it go, why? The motivation is to have sound health.

Most times when things don’t go right with us or we experienced some things shattering, so to say, most times we lash out at God and even stop praying. The question still remains the same but the answers sometimes are eternally variable. What motivates you to serve or be close to God in the first place?

  • What you stand to gain?
  • The love He has for you?
  • Because He is a sure ground for you not to be hurt?

What drives you? What motivates you? When you know this, then it will determine how you responds to hurt. I don’t think you stop talking to your earthly father because he denied you a request even though you know he has it, because the relationship is valuable to you in the first place. Understand what motivates you in any kind of relationship and it makes handling hurt easier. I am sure if what you stand to gain outweighs what you stand to give, you will always want to endure anything because your eyes are fixed on the prize. Why then do most people endure an unfriendly boss when the pay is actually good?

Life will either bless you or bury you, it depends on what motivates you. Use every downturn to your advantage and not cut things off due to a blur, except, only except, it adds no value or makes you worse, and that brings me to ask you again, what motivates you?

Article posted with due permission from the author Olawale Olawalium Oladoja.

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