"Experiencias(Experiences) | English"

Hello friends, acquaintances and community Steemit Hope and are prepared for this start of the week and this post that left between photographs some emotions and experiences lived.

The experiences help us to grow as people and as professionals either of a degree or something that we love. Rarely are able to capture these moments lived as they are emotions of the moment and then move as great memories, yet we can learn from them (moments, experiences) and apply them in every situation of our life where it requires application As if it were a practical tool for everyday use.

In these photographs you will see part of the team (production) in which I belong and which I am very grateful to God for allowing me the opportunity to serve and grow as a person and as a leader. And surely happiness does not generate a situation but a decision.

-Production It is a team that is in charge of generating pleasant and irresistible environments so that the people who attend our activities or meetings will feel comfortable and cared for. It is a team of an organization-church called the good new Shekina. We are creativity and we handle technology in favor of what we need, we are an essential connecting channel.

In this team I have developed my leadership over time (7 years) and I have managed to understand that the best way to grow is to learn and practice constantly.

"The one who stops learning, stops growing"

 -Full production equipment (firsts)

-Enjoying the privilege of serving

-Produce implies concentration and enjoyment

 -We end this December 24 giving the best to the best (God) 

When you do something do heart and joy is what guarantees you enjoyment and happiness, one more step is to go beyond where you were and drive you to achieve your deepest desires, practice or discipline are positive habits that we can develop and co Nseguir those results we expect. 

Note: All images are from my authorship.

Happy Community Day, I will be attentive to your comments and giving reasons to grow. Greetings to all!

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