Loss of femininity

Did women forgot how to be more feminine? Or is this something that we have never been taught? Unfortunally a little bit of both.  

1. School didn't teached us on how to become a woman. 

We did not even get sufficient explanation about our period, sex and pregnancy. Even nowdays people are looking strange if we say out loud that we have period. It is a dirty world. We must say: "It's one of those days". Like we are ashamed. WHAT? We have a menstruation. It is a natural process and we should be blessed and proud that we are having it. It is a natural way on how we CLEAN OURSELVES (I will explain this in more details in future blogs). Men do not have that privilege.  

Who was teaching us on how to have sexual intercourse and more important - with whom we should have it?? Our vagina is our sanctuary; we should not give away sex freely.  What about pregnancy? Or how to become a good mother and a loving wife? 

Everything that we have learned was with speaking with our moms and friends. Maybe we read some books. But that's it. I hope that we all had some good examples and role models around us who teached us some of this important topics.  

2. Women are competing against men. 

We all know it is true. It is not a myth anymore. We can be leaders, we can take managers positions, and we can become experts. We are wearing pants instead of skirts, we are having sharp moves and we became hardened. We can also earn the same or bigger amount of money.  

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But we forgot one thing - we shouldn't be like men. We are not BALANCED. God created us like women because we need each other. We can support us with feminine and masculine energy. It is a little bit of both in all of us. Why do we want to become men?  

It is a special power to be a woman. We are wise. We can make our man a billionaire! We must be their number one FAN! If we will not be - then some woman will come along who will be. We should give him a warm and quiet home to which he would love to come back after the storm. 

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3.  We forget about true meaning of femininity 

Sadly. Many of us still do not know what that means. It is not about the clothes that we are wearing or makeup that we are having. I am not talking here to act stupid or on some other funny way. I would like to encourage you to have a strong, independent mind that is free to choose. To stop and smell rose. To give a warm hug to those in need and smile (it is free). To be a beautiful soul with beautiful heart. To be a loving person. To dress nicely for ourselves and to LOVE OURSELVES. To love our body even if it is a little bit too heavy. :) To love every curve on it. That is what true love is.  

If you want to know how much you love yourself (it is a practice also for men) - go in front of mirror, look at yourself and repeat these two sentences: "I love you. You are beautiful." 10 times. Everyday. You will see the results shortly.  


This would be all for today. I hope that I have opened your minds a little bit and you will think about it.  

Sending you love and positive vibes, 


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