"Believe in the Word"

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I know that some when reading the title will associate the word with some type of religion and it is feasible because of the teaching we have had since we were very young regarding believing in an omnipresent and omnipotent God, followed by the word referring to what is written in the Bible, and if there is talk of believing whether you want to believe or not.

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It is always common to refer to the past when talking about having a word, our grandparents were men of words because they fulfilled their promises in a responsible way and that made them honorable. For them it was so valuable to believe in the word because it spoke of who you were as a person, it was simply enough. Instead today even requires a notarized document that specifies what is promised and not fulfilling it will have legal consequences, this is called having a word now, as things have changed.

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Now, paradoxically, man as a human species always believes in something, his mind is powerful, the act of carrying out what you think has more power, because if you do not do it, it only remains there in a thought. When you decide to believe in someone for example you need to have confidence in that person that you will meet until it becomes a fact being credible, because not to comply with the word is certainly lack of seriousness.

Nowadays it seems that the fact of "having a word" is extinguished, the common thing is not to believe in anyone due to the false promises, to the disappointments that you take from people who do not comply, those who cheat, those who lie because since They invented the excuses, the half-truths, the famous white lies, the respect, the honesty is hard to find now. People have to start being coherent with what they say they are and end up doing; From all this there arises a question: Who to believe? Before this is heard saying I have too many fingers when I tell people I trust, is strong.

There are some theories that try to justify certain behaviors that have to do with the breach of the word in many people, one is that it is hard for them to say that "No" and everything is committed by saying "Yes" to be good with people, for fear of lose friends and even relate this with low self-esteem and fear, Contrary to this I think it is more honest to say NO in time than to put a thousand excuses why he could not comply.

How terrible it is when someone tells you, I'm close to less than an hour away, or in ten (10) minutes I'm there and the truth is that he has not yet gotten out of bed. Another phrase is: first thing in the morning I am giving everything, and then days go by without delivering what was promised, when a delivery time is established and it is not fulfilled. Humanly in principle it is believed but when it is a constant these types of behaviors all confidence and credibility go to the ravine, it is a until here I do not believe more in you, it is regrettable.

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However, the difference is in him, trying to solve by other means

What can we say about Venezuela with the problem of power cuts and consequently the internet, the connection almost impossible, could there be an excuse here for not fulfilling the job? If because it is public and notorious that it is true, it is world news; However, the difference is in him that he tries to solve by other means, if there is electric power only at night, it's your turn at night, a sacrifice if you run out of sleep, the electric power arrived but the internet did not, so I connect with the data of the cell phone and you spend a lot of money on balance yes, that's why it's better to see that you're investing, but trying to comply is priceless.

Please we must recover "The Word" Do not let it get lost, let it predominate Honor, Value, Integrity, Humility, Honesty , Credibility, Dignity, Respect, Admiration, Confidence. That today you can also talk about "Word of honor”.

¿And you still believe in the word of man?

Original from José Lanz

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