Like a rolling stone...

To say that I’m not a very social person would be an understatement. This is one of the reasons I’m not good at social media - even when I do something interesting, I don’t feel the need to post it online. The reason I survived for so long on Steemit is that here I don’t feel the same pressure to have something fancy to post. Unlike other social media, here people feel free to unload some of their problems - personal life, health, financial worries, death, taking the cat to the vet - everybody is free to write about their problems. It’s more like a big family than a social media platform.


I could not post this on Facebook, because who uses a hashtag like #boringday? Not cool at all… Yet, this is the case - I’ve had a long, disruptive and pretty much boring day. It’s almost midnight and this is the first truly calm moment of the day. I haven’t had any time to come up with any wonderful new idea to write this amazing post that would get on the Hot page… Actually, I don’t care about the Hot page and I don’t think I’ve checked it in months… Screw it!


No need to say that obsessively checking the markets doesn’t really help on a day that’s already bad. I’m sure I’m not the only one in this situation. I guess we should create some sort of support group to encourage each other to forget about the markets at least for 24 hours. What are your strategies for ignoring the bears? For myself, I’m really tempted to try out a cake recipe a friend sent me earlier… I know it doesn’t go with the diet (I’m trying, I swear), but if I get it right at least I’d have some comfort food…
The images in this post are, of course, another attempt at DeepDream. The original image is an earthenware mask I took some pictures of. However, it illustrates perfectly my mood… At this hour, it feels more true than posting a selfie anyway…


Ooops, I did it again… Bitcoin has fallen below 4k… Most depressing, but… on the other hand if no miracle happens before Monday I’m considering buying some Steem...
As Bob Dylan said - ‘When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose’.

Thanks for reading


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