The Political Farce of Minorities

Whether one is black, bold, sick, gay, alcoholic or anything else in between, should not (by any means) have any impact on how they should be treated. Grouping oneself under an ideology based on an arbitrary characteristic is by itself a discriminatory act. The individual accepts that their specific characteristic is special and that it should be treated differently from all the rest. This is how the filth of politics is created.

If every single human on earth chose to complain under a political frame in regards to how they should be treated then no one really would have any rights or privileges other than the ones complaining the most. This is what democracy entails after all. Those who win political movements are the ones who organize themselves in fractions in order to whine about something that others should be doing for them. They create multiple minorities such as LGBT, Black Lives Matter, Guns Rights and since they are the ones that care to take part in the toxic democratic system, their impact in social strata is massive.

This is how we ended up with all this political correctness all around us. This is how we get absurd ideologies such us "no gender" or fields such as "women's studies". This is how every tv show begun to look shady since the black/women/white/gay ratio looks forced just to keep appearances. Some shows make it so obvious. Even though that some groups like homosexuals and blacks are minorities in countries like the United States the way and rate they are portrayed implies they are the crashing majority that is somehow suffering under a fictional white male figure.

For those that were brought up in the 1900's this change is all too noticeable. We also acknowledge that there is not much to be done about it since this is how politics work. As a society we value politics instead of honesty. The people who end being politicians are often those who try to fool the masses by deflecting social responsibility. People vote for those who will give them things. The needy ones, the leeches and scoundrels end up electing the filth that govern us. They do after all have to embrace the same values if they want to be elected.

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