Are you a smart goal setter?

Time is one thing in life we have not yet learned how to manipulate.


We as far as I know we can not go back in time, so although we can learn from the past we cannot change it.
Hindsight is 20/20. Right?

Most of us cannot see into the future, although we will all travel into the future, minute after minute, hour after hour and day after day which eventually leads us into weeks and months and years. So why not have a plan to curate your future into what you want it to be?

This is where goal setting becomes important, but did you know there is a SMART way to set you goals so you can achieve more of what you want?

Maybe you want to go on that dream vacation, or lose weight or write a book? So how do you make those desires a reality?

You need to plan for them and this is why you need to set SMART goals. Keep reading and I will tell you how it is done!

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I will use Steemit as my example because let's face it, everyone reading this will be interested in the topic!


What Specifically do you want to make happen? This is not the time to be vague, this is the time to explain on paper or on a screen what it is you want to make happen.

I want to have 500 followers on Steemit

Notice how I said something specific about Steemit. I did not just say I want my Steemit account to be better I specifically said I want to have 500 followers on my account, this is my goal.

You need to be specific so you know exactly what it is you are working towards and when you have achieved your goal.


Why do I need to measure my goal? If you want to improve something in life you need to be able to see your progress so it is always important to know where you started and where you intend to go.

How do I measure this goal? It's super easy, I just look at my home page and see that I have 421 followers and I want to have 500. Now I have a starting point and a goal of where I intend to be.

So I am done right? I have made my goal and I know where my starting point is!

Not so fast! There are other things to consider when setting SMART goals


Next you need to look at whether your goal is attainable or not? This is so important because the last thing you want to do is set yourself up for failure with a goal that is not attainable. Notice how my goal was to have 500 followers and not 5000 followers?

Remember you can always reset your goals in the future, it is better to make small attainable goals that can be reached rather than huge overwhelming goals that may end up demotivating you altogether.

Can I increase the number of people who follow me on Steemit by 79 people? Yes I think I can interact with more Steemainians and make more friends, this is definitely possible!


Would having more friends on steemit be relevant to my life? Of course!! I love being on steemit and I want to broaden my steemit social circle.

Choosing a goal that is relevant to your life is important because it needs to matter to you. If your goal is not important to you then you will not be motivated to make it happen!


So I can just do this any time right?

Setting a time limit is very important when creating goals for your self.

Having your new goal completed in a timely fashion is imperative, without a deadline your goal might never come to fruition.

I want to have 500 followers on Steemit before 2017 comes to an end!

There I now have a SMART goal created for myself and you now have the tools to create one too!


Although the SMART goal setting idea came about in the 1980's and was specifically meant for work projects I like to use it in all areas of my life when deciding where I want to be.

Goal setting is very important in life because without goals we are just existing, never moving in one direction, just floating around. To make life happen you need to have goals and you need to review them regularly to keep them current.

Where do you want to be? What do you want to achieve? What is your next step in life? Let me know in the comments below, I would love to hear what you think about smart goals.

Follow me @kylaki if you want to hear more about my ideas in making life happen or if you want to see what else I'm up to in Canada and around the world!

As always comments, upvotes and resteems are very much appreciated ❤️

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