Nobody Owes You Anything!!!

You are responsible for your life. If you are sitting around waiting for somebody to save you, to fix you, to even help you, you are wasting your time. Only you have the power to move your life forward.....Oprah Winfrey

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In this life,nobody owes you anything,what you make out of your life is totally your doing and no one else. Who do you blame when things are falling apart in your life or when you realise that the kind of life you have now is not the one you envisaged?

For me, I used to blame my parents, I used to think they owe me everything,afterall they are my parents and they brought me into this world and it's their responsibility to give me a good life. They were loving parents and they did their best,but coming from an average home, they were somethings I wanted but I couldn't have. At some point in my life, I realised that if I want to have that kind of life that I dream of, then I have to take responsibility for my life.

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Some folks blame the government because they are unemployed and they feel the government is responsible for their unemployment, some blame the education system in our country, some blame their parents for being poor not rich.

Many people like myself were raised with the mentality that we are special and the world owes us something. What a sweet lie! The truth is that the sooner you realise that you are not that special and the world owes you nothing and being special is something you would have to earn,then you would be motivated to take responsibility for your life and build your own destiny. You would stop complaining, stop blaming your parents, your Job, the government and Fix you because only you can.

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You are responsible for your life, how much you are respected, how rich or poor you are, how happy and healthy you are is totally your making. If people disrespect you, it's all your doing because you have not earned their respect, if you are unhappy and find yourself in miserable relationships, you are the one who let it happen, if you are poor, it's all your fault because may be you have not committed yourself to creating value and getting paid for it.

To have that life that you crave for, you have to first accept that no one owes you anything and start creating it. Go for it, stop thinking of all the ways it won't work and start thinking of all the ways you can make it work because only you have the power to move your life forward. Always remember that if you become the best you can be, people would always want to hang around you because of what you can offer to them and may be they will consider you special.

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