When is it time to start writing a will?


Thoughts on leaving a will?Inspired by a soldier's letter.

Have you watched Descendant of the Sun ? ? ?

It is a Korean Drama that I recently watched about a soldier life, honor, and of course very complicated love life. If you are into chick flicks, this one is a must see. I cannot believe how much action is in this one too. Don't believe me, watch the first 10 minutes. I digress, the reason I bring this show up at all is that I didn't realize or forgot that soldier write a letter before going into battle to their loved ones.

If the soldier dies the letter is delivered to the families. I wonder if this is just in the movie or a real thing? Regardless, the idea stayed with me. Soldiers sign up to go to war but are given a moment to write their final words. If only we are so lucky. I don't live a dangerous lifestyle, but that isn't saying much. I am not guaranteed life. What if I did die heading to work and never told my family where my passwords were?! More importantly, what if I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.

A soldier's' letter

I should also mention that this letter is different than a will. The soldiers settle their assets and final wishes well before heading into battle. This letter is specifically for their family and friends. They can write as many as they like. At least I think so. I can't imagine writing too many. Then again, I think about my parent's age and start to wonder if it is too soon to have the talk with them. When is it to early to start talking about will and final wishes. We have joked about it before. Mom wants white balloons and died wants to buried in Brazil with his parents.

Do you have a will?


I hoped that at some point we could have this discussion. To be honest, after my grandparents died I thought my dad would write his will. His father waited a very long time.

It almost seemed like he waited to die until his will was finalized.

My parents, aside I wonder if I should write a just in case letter. Would that be considered to similar to a suicide letter? If not a letter, how do I tell them where they can access my Steemit account?

By the time they find it, they would be mega whales. Probably not, but still someone should know.

What are your thoughts on saying goodbye? Would you write a letter? Who would you write a letter to? If you were to suddenly disappear, what would you like done to your personal accounts?

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