I flushed my keys down the drain

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Does traveling stress you?

Preparing for this trip caused me more stress than I thought possible. Every week, some detail had slipped my mind and I was trying to do too much. Let's review the weeks prior to my trip.

  • I thought trimming my own hair was a good idea.
    I did learn a ton about hair health, so it wasn't all bad.

  • I forgot to RSVP to the wedding.
    Turns out I was already on the guaranteed list, but there was definitely a moment of panic there.

  • I flushed my car keys and friends house key down the drain.

You see it was in my pocket and flew out. Conveniently landing inside the toilet. No one had used the bathroom, so it was just water. Still grossed out, I thought of various ways of retrieving the keys without actually touching the water. In my infinite brilliance, I thought, that flushing the toilet would be the best way to go. The water would go down, The keys would stay, and I could grab them without touching the water. WIN-WIN, Right?

WRONG! So very wrong!

We have no pipe trap, we have an amazing super strong plumbing that sweeps everything away into a far far away place that can never be reached. Which most of the time I am so grateful for the modern day, first world advantages such as these, but those keys weren't mine! I was house-sitting for a friend and the cat. My car keys were attached, but that wasn't important I could have another made that night. Mind you this was around 10:00 pm. At around midnight, we gave up trying to rescue them.

In the grand scheme of life, it wasn't that big of a deal. The family I was house sitting prepared for everything. I was able to contact one of their neighbors that had a spare and they agreed to watch the cat a couple of days earlier than planned. My dad found one of the spares that the couch was hiding. All ended well, but I was losing it. WHY ME! WHY NOW, WHY!!

It was an added inconvenience I didn't want to deal with. Plus, it was super embarrassing. Of course, now you know too and we don't have to ever talk about it again. :)

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