Let's be thankful to our Mentors

In life, it is what you keep hearing that you will eventually believe. That's why the bible says So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.


We must treasure every moment we have access to a qualified Mentor. What we don’t respect will move away from us. Be it a miracle, or money. Life has currents and these currents move us toward our dreams or away from them; toward success or failure. What we respect moves toward us. It may be people or money.


"When God wants to bless you, He puts a person in your life."

We must recognize our mentors and pursue them.

Our Mentors can upgrade our financial decisions. If we can take the decisions that create our poverty, then we can take decisions that can create your prosperity.
If we can do something that brings decrease, we can also learn to do the activities that create increase. We must discern the Financial Mentors that are close to us. We must learn to celebrate the Financial Deliverers God has made accessible to us. Pursuing is a requirement. Pursuing financial Wisdom and assistance is not a sign of weakness. "Only a fool ignores a life jacket when he is drowning." Those who overcome financial devastation never do it alone. They conquer their pride. They reject the trap of isolation. They know the inevitable reward for pursuing. They pursue. They ask. We must turn to God first. Let us become thankful for what God has already given to us in our life. First, be thankful for His past provision and supernatural supply.

Show gratitude to those who have aided you in achieving your dream, given you job opportunities, and encouraged you. Our Heavenly Father cares about our financial difficulties today. We really do matter to Him.
Jesus said it clearly, “Your Heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things,” (Matthew 6:32).

He is expecting us to reach out to Him. In The Secret Place of prayer, In the church services that we attend and in your diligent research of the Scriptures.

and always remember that you are not blessed until you are blessing to others

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