"No one can play God" - Mr Fate

"Do you know what fate is?
It is something"
- Flips a coin- "unusual for the human mind. Sometimes you get to see something brilliant."- the coin balanced itself - "For a brief moment everything is in balance, everything is in perfect harmony and then... the game rolls once again and picks a side" - the coin felt down- "good or bad, the harmony is over, once again we see the power of fate."


"Then it is over. The coin picks a side and it demolishes the opposite one. You build something for ages. You invest time, effort, money and soul an then... magically it is gone. For 3 minutes you lose everything. You lose yourself and you get mad and angry at the world around you. Why is the game rigged? Who is the motherfucker who controls this game called life?

Pick a side they say. It is not that easy. We always pick the better option, but it does not work like that. Fate fucks us all. When the right moment comes, fate just tells you that the game is over. You lose. You have no control, buddy. You never had.

It gets you. It eats you. It makes you crazy. These 3 minute that changed my life, why can't I change them. Why the hell do I need to make one fucking mistake... and everything else was good, but no... one mistake... one 3 minute mistake ended everything instantaneously. It is like a game of chess. It all works fine until you get checkmated from the opponent. The opponent wins all the time and it laughs at you. It laughs so loudly that it makes you cry yourself out. And oooh yeah you called it. The opponent is the same fucked up fate that made you go high. Made you fly for a moment... until it cut your wings and laughed at you with the laughter of a maniac.

The time is up boy. You played your side of the game it is time for you to get back on to suffering- says the fate, while you hear it laughing in the background.
You say that next time will be different. Who are you fooling? Who is going to believe it? You do not believe it yourself, buddy...
Next time you will be given more time to fly just so the fate can have more time eating popcorn and entertaining itself until you get what you deserve. I do not deserve that you will say. No one is asking...

Options are just an illusion, you can't trick the madman who controls the game. You try to outplay it, but you never could. From the beginning of the test the answer and the conclusion were there, you felt them but you needed to suffer for what you made and what an idiot you were to think you can trick the creator.

Only a madman will believe fate does not exist. You, buddy, are being tricked by the Mr Fate.
You played God or you thought you played God. Everything was once yours. You had all the money, the girls, the fame for what? So you can then suffer?!?! You played your cards now it is time for Mr Fate to kick in. It is time for your 3 min of life-changing experience to happen. And if Mr Fate does not play his cards and does not make you pay for everything you made to all of the people who you exploited to get to God mode. We the people will create your fate.


The clock is ticking. Do you hear it, buddy? With each second, day and night, your fate gets closer and closer. Everything has to be paid. The time will come. When the coin will no longer be in perfect balance and you will end up in the hands of the Fate. And ohh, buddy, your time to suffer is near.

No one can play God!"

Thanks for reading this have a good day and God Bless.

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