The Price Of Success

What is the price of success? Some people think that success can be had easily, can be had with short cuts and sudden wins as if won the lottery, but success is not something that comes easily.

Let me give you an orange seed. We go to a field and you plant this orange seed in the ground. Then you water it. Next day asking where are my oranges, you would be hard pressed to answer.

The child does not walk and talk the day they are born.

Likewise, success takes a very long time.

Some people win the lottery, and so some people find success early on in their first try. Now, you may look and say this or that business is a success, but look at the people behind them - often it took years and years to succeed. Many people have failed in many things before making things a success and even successful businesses have had much failures before they have succeeded.

Businesses don't succeed, people do.

For that person to be of value, they must have gone through the price of success.

The price of success states that this is no lottery. Waiting for your winning ticket is not an option. You must expect like oranges and apples that the seed to bringing fruit is going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort at that.

Ray Kroc the founder of McDonald's as we know it said on the matter of success "I was an overnight success all right, but thirty years is a long, long night."

KFC founder Colonel Sanders was getting his pension when he started KFC. Most people don't have to wait so long, but the price of lasting success takes a long time.

Trying for few weeks or few months from when you have decided to become a success is not success. You have not paid the price.

Now, I don't want to limit you. Like the lottery winners out there, you could start today and next day be a success. With information available to you, things can become easier. You no longer have to spend years in libraries or world pilgrimages to find where your fortune is.

But, success for the majority that has a marked level of success has not come easy.

It has required paying the price of success. The price of success may not be all about failing but it is more about learning.

Learning key skills in various areas. Ideas are a dime a dozen, but until you become ready for success, you have to pay the price of success.

Some may say, how successful are people who start learning to drive. Many pass the first time and some take longer, but in all cases, there was a price for success. There was regular and constant learning, mistakes and improvements till you was ready. Now you can get in the car, now you can drive successfully to your destination.

All this happens because of one thing - you took the steps and paid the price of success.

Once you pay the price of success and develop your self, then you are ready and success is easier.

Take for example the salesman or saleswoman. His or her livelihood is based entirely on success, but he or she will have much failure on a daily basis. Same as in sports and same as in music. In all lines, success only comes when you have paid the price.

Waiting for a lottery win is always an advantage, but for the majority the stable and reliable way to success is paying the price of success.

As Ray Kroc the founder of McDonald's said "I was an overnight success all right, but thirty years is a long, long night."

Create a great day,

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