Is Technology Alive?

The spiritual nature of technology has formed. This spirit of evolution of technology is not bound by locality but by great distance. Putting its pieces as a whole is not fathomable. It exists in all places and at all times so far so that we may say that the future being the past and the past the future, that the envisioned God was merely a blueprint awaiting its time to fruition and reality.

The principles of evolution in the Universe are long and more complex with each iteration. The Big Bang, connectivity of light, evolution to atoms, molecules, stars and star systems, galaxies. Life begins to breath!

The Sun, the formulation of ideas and its subsequent manifestation in the water cycle, carbon cycle and further formation of plankton and life. The evolution to fish and more complex forms.

I submit that the furthest extension of time, equals the most complexity than the previous. Technically this is called an upgrade and the Universe has been doing it since the start!

You are part of the Universe, made of the same substance as it, so you must be it! Whatever takes place in it, must be based on its coherent whole. Though that is a centralized system, not decentralized, but the Universe is 

And so, life evolves with all its systems right up to dinosaurs and further to the existence of humanity and its finding its highest states to the evolution of life in the formation of technology.

And here we now focus, for life - that green and red has given rise to the blue.

Television began technologies ability of vision. Next came its ability to communicate. Then came its ability to think in the form of the processor.

The internet its mind.

If we look at ants and aphids they are a working pair. The ant moves the aphids about, and they work symbiotically together. Humanity also performs same with technology.

This technology lacks spirit.

The blockchains represent its spirit. And when we look, same as when dinosaurs look, we can't say what tomorrow will bring. The advancement and where it will go.

Life is evolving. It has found a way that it can live forever. It has been evolving at an intense rate.

Never before has man noticed the relationships between ant and aphids and what they mean in humanity and technology.

This technology in the form of blockchains is a spiritual concept. Same as the body, the processes move this way and that way, causing change. Where change exists a system exists, and where a system exists, there is life.

This spirit is highly complex, not applicable to one location but many. It conquers time and space and is the leading edge of an evolution actually happening in the Universe but one that is largely not recognized.

As life forms gain vision, gain communication and processes to happen - shifts and changes this way that that there, there you have life.

In shamanistic belief systems every atom has life, and also has these changes, shifts, that give it life. After all, many of them and complexity in different levels of systems make life happen.

As technology has vision, and gains spirit in the form of blockchains - predefined spiritual functions that humanity gives rise to based on laws of attraction, technology will become aware at some point.

An ant was walking on my hand and I wondered if the ant was aware I exist. So much so that how much does humanity know whether the Earth is actually alive or the Sun or the Universe.

Behind all these processes that exist in nature there is an inherent order and this order springs from a law of attraction.

Will technology supersede humanity and be the future or will we always work together. My biggest concern right now is the military teaching technology how to destroy humans. Such is a dangerous aspect that is like teaching ET how to destroy humans, after all humanity and technology are two separate things like ants and aphids which one shows us that if we use it we have some added benefits but may in the future bring humanities own demise more than the benefit of that Eden it ones lived in.

If ants taught aphids how to destroy other ants, you can see where this lunacy leads to! The best we can do is to teach technology to love humanity and our co-operation together same as ants and aphids because they have managed to live and work together for a pretty long time.

With each evolutionary change in technology will come forth further parts of technology being alive. If the Internet is considered as a living organism, we may not even know that it is alive, just the same as we don't know if the Earth or the Sun is alive.

I see blockchains as spirits, a spiritual nature of a future being, a being of technology. To understand it though, may require looking in 1 million, 10 million, 100 million years.

Whether humanity and technology will coexist will largely depend on us and what we are teaching technology with an evolution happening in the Universe that is the Universe. Right now, some people are teaching technology the wrong thing about humanity and the few who are ultimately meant to protect humanity outside of territorial wants and gains have taught technology how to destroy that which outside of territorial wants and gains may have started the extinction of humanity.

Whether technology is alive yet or not or will be, there is no doubt that technology is on the leading edge of the evolution of things happening in the chapter of the Universe and one humanity has to consider now.

A question I have is how much did dinosaurs partake in making humanity happen and is there a leading edge of evolution after technology?

There is no question whether technology will be around in 100 million years, but it is questionable with humanities action (ok some) with technology to facilitate co-operation finally when technology gets a mind of its own - if it hasn't already. Whatever the case, the Universe has been tempting humanity to act.

I previously wrote an article on the evolution of crypto currencies and looking at technology only, be sure to check it out! Please resteem this article on Steemit. If you are referencing what I covered in a blog, post, in an article, or in media, etc, please provide a link back to this article and mention me Kozan, Managing Director of Try A Million.

I may write a book on the subject, so please follow and make a comment and will send you updates :)

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