Weekly Update Post - [Week 2]

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays my fellow Steemians. Since we celebrate Christmas on the 24:th in Sweden I will give you a gift of advice, do not go out drinking on Christmas! I currently have the worst hangover and I believe the only cure for it is even more sleep. Before I do that however, I will write a little update on how my second week on steemit went.

I had a goal set to post something every day, which I failed but five out of seven days is honestly pretty good. Have done a mix of guides, information and personal posts, a mix that I enjoy. I like my personal stories the most but I feel like a narcissist if I write about myself too much and doing guides etc is a good challenge to me. @techslut also informed me about a post that led me to submit a short little story to someone who will hopefully post it this week, if that happens I will resteem it so keep an eye out for that if you follow me. If you don't already follow me it can be a bit tricky to find it.

On some days I posted really late, like at 4 am for me which have made it hard for my posts to get exposure. I do not mind the latter that much but I feel like my posts deserve the effort I put in and that I should be more careful about when I post them for that reason. This will either make me write them earlier in the day or wait with posting them the day after. When do you prefer to publish your posts, dear reader and writer?

I look forward to this coming week and until then, here are two posts I made last week that you might have missed!

Why Polyamory was Right for me - Part. 2
How to get Yourself a Juicy Backup Partner

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