Snow Day for a Childless, Disabled Young-ish Woman


In your 30s creativity can be sparked by one's work, travel, home renovations and other "nesting type" activities, or perhaps by going out into the word and exploring one's passions, or meeting for wine and paint nights with friends, or maybe karaoke and concerts, painting, writing, meme wars,photography, selfies, paper mache, food art, passion parties, cupcakes, rec sports leagues, twitter trolling and even by watching and playing with one's own children(making the longest run on sentence possible).....


....the options become a wee bit limited when you live with rare, complex, progressive and/or chronic conditions/diseases. My creative outlets are in the finding of creative outlets....and of that creative seeking, these posts are born. You're welcome. I'm glad I could contribute to the glorious art of Internet time waste. Being woke is damn hard business ya know! ;)

Good day to my fellow internet spoonie, unicorn zebras and all the others lucky enough to not know what being a spoonie and medical unicorn zebra entails!
All there is, Stephanie

Drive safe snow day folks!

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