Becoming a kin to all beings...Yes, even YOU! ❤️

The moment we discard the old survival judgments of our early ancestors and see tribalism/nationalism/violence towards our own species as a primitive drive...the moment we all, or most, put our brilliantly large prefrontal cortexs' to work to override the primitive urges coming from our lower brain, is the moment abundance comes to all.
Our brains allow for brilliant advances however till we override much of our old programing, which no longer works to our benefit in this time of abundance, we shall struggle, suffer, be shall our children and theirs.

Let's start now. Break the cycle of separateness, judgement and worth based on anything other than being alive!!! We, as individuals, can and are starting the shift now. Millennials are different and have unique challenges that our species has yet to face and its history. Many of the current younger generations are finally asking the questions that past generations avoided.


A shift certainly is happening. Thus the darkness falls. Yet, we must not cave to fear. Fear of others, of .rejection, of realizations, of letting go of identities, of us vs them endless list exists when fear takes over. The ability to thrive no longer lies in what each person fears but the core fears shared. Core fears of humans are incomplete survival necessities such as, saftey, shelter, nourishment, belonging, access to information, health care access and the right to be onself and access accommodations to support inclusivity. The fear which served our early ancestors no longer serves us.

We can rise together as a species by becoming aware and evolving. Or we can be slaves to our biology and tribalistic ways and continue to witness suffering within us and around us. Pain is part of life but that doesn't mean suffering has to be too!

We are all kin, we all have unique gifts to offer the world, we are all equal in worth

Ready? All for one and one for all! ❤️

Thank you for reading! ❤️

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