Just Burned $300 on a Social Media Promo - Lesson Learned

So this past weekend, I sent $300 via PayPal in order to have a graphic with text below posted on an influencer’s page. This particular influencer has a follower base of over 4 million users.

I was really excited to see it posted and to see some good results from the campaign. Turns out, it only resulted in around 15 followers and a few likes on my photos. A page that has 4 million followers, with around 10,000 likes per post, should have brought in a better return.

I blame myself first and foremost because perhaps if I had used a different graphic or used different text that the campaign would have been better optimized. Who knows. Hopefully I get another chance to post something different, even perhaps a video that would maybe convert more efficiently.

I’m outside right now doing a walk in nature at a trail near my house. I will admit I do feel a bit salty, but sometimes when you take a risk, it doesn’t always work out the way you expect. Sometimes it’s worse, sometimes it’s better.

It’s crazy how the enemy gets into our heads and tells us things like “just settle for a job”, or, “see, you weren’t meant to be an entrepreneur”, or, “wow, you really blew that one”. Guess what satan, I’m not buying into those BS lies. I’m a child of the most high.

This event is not going to diminish my desire to grow and my desire to go to the next level. I’m chalking this one up to experience, knowing that circumstances will be better next time.

The moral of the story is, keep trying different things. If one method doesn’t work out the way that you think it will, then try something else. Just keep trying, and you’ll get better over time.

I don’t view this as a mistake, but as an opportunity to rise above and not lose momentum. I believe that everything happens for a reason whether good or bad. Shit happens to all of us, but we have the ability to view it from whatever perspective we desire.

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