Time: A Friend to Some and Enemy to Many

I can still remember my last days as a secondary school student in Nigeria, when we were preparing for our final exams i.e. West African Examination Council (WAEC) it was just the right time to settle all scores especially the one we had with the school administrators and our fellow students. That was when I was struck with the fact that “time is a friend to some and an enemy to many” I was bent on leaving the school with a lasting legacy yet I never got the time to fulfill such.
That is exactly how time can cripple ones’ that moment you realize yourself that is when it stands at a corner rubbing its cold hands with a wicked grin. I learned a quick lesson from such experience that “time waits for no one” it is totally inconsiderate of who you are and what you have to offer NO!! It does not care a bit. I never needed a teacher to explain this to me it was a knowledge derived from the experience, of course, the hard way. This applies to all still breathing today, if you want to befriend time use it wisely but if you want him to stay around as an enemy its quite simple just abuse it.
The bible ( Eccl 3:1) that that for every occurrence on this planet earth there is a time attached to it and this is the principle of time. Unfortunately many do not know this and that is why he is an enemy to many because they are yet to understand him. The wise know that once when they utilize their time rightly it automatically produces the right result but when the time passes it will be a bad story altogether.
The greatest killer of time in this present world is PROCRASTINATION. This has lead so many potentials to the dump, it gives you reasons that will gradually and stealthy draw you close to your grave the bible says “ yet a little sleep, little slumber, a little folding of hands to sleep so shall poverty come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man” (Prov 6: 10-11). Never give procrastination a chance because as that word “little” piles up it gets “big” and you will end up with the statement “had I known” with a sad tone.
In essence what am trying to point out us that time wasted can never be recovered and even if it can be recovered it will cost you more so why don’t you utilise it now while it lasts, if you have a dream to be the best in your career life, academic life, social life whatever intention you have NOW is the best time to start tomorrow may be too late for you.

Have a lovely day

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