the 20

Lots of our twenties can be lost in translation; communication whilst a large aspect in a budding adult's life, it can become shrouded and weak within our everyday schedules. Whether it be between lovers, employees or friends. Communication is an astronomical part of our expanding world and individual lives.

There are some days in your twenties when the universe comes to coil in your chest and you are torn between two things: fear and comfort. Fear of our impending lives burdened with everyone's expectations that can force the 20-somethings to dread incoming days. Being forced to look at your future dead in the face is terrifying, but a comfort lingers there. A comfort in the rising day, or a comfort in just the notion of a future creates a push-pull relationship only seen within our minds. Often times we revert to childish fun to remind ourselves that we are only human, the sun will rise again in the morning.

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