Hidden Signals She Likes You



Hidden Signals She Likes You

When a girl likes somebody, there is a feeling that no one can understand. She doesn't tell anyone easily what she feels inside. No one knows exactly what's going on in her mind and heart. Not even her friends, her siblings or her parents. She is too shy to let people know that she has a crush on somebody. She even feels a little embarrassed to admit to herself that she catches feeling about a person. Every single thing about the person always gets her heart beats faster. Just one look from the person can make her get nervous.

Did you ever find a girl with such attitude? A girl who shows a weird attitude that makes you question. Since she is shy, you may not know if she likes you. Then, how do you know if she likes you if she is too shy to let you know? Actually, you are able to know if she likes you even though she doesn't want to show it. You need to look at these signs she likes you but is shy.

She doesn't want to look straight into your eyes. Every time you are around her in a very close distance, she doesn't look straight into your eyes. Whether when you are sitting close to where she is, or when you pass her by, she always tries to look at another direction but your eyes and your face. When a girl is so close to her crush, it will make her heart flattered. The closer she gets to him, she will more likely lose her control.



She hides. A less obvious but actually undeniable sign if a girl likes you but is shy is hiding out. No one knows how someone hides unless they are busted. You never know that a girl hides away from you until you find out yourself. At first, you think that everything is normal. It is until you catch her being where you are.

You didn't realize that she is been there too and you think it was a coincidence. It was a coincidence until you realize she is always there too ever time you are there. She thinks you won't see her. That's the point of hiding out. But, now that you do know she is been hiding in plain sight, you can move to the other related sign if she likes you but shy.

She watches you from the distance. What do you think she wants to do by hiding in plain sight? Being where you are but hoping you won't know that she is been there too. The one thing she wants to do is watching you from the distance. She pays attention to your activities and the places you've been spending your time in.

She wants to be around you always and to know what you are doing, so she does whatever she can. Watching you from the distance is the safest thing to admire someone without bothering them. So, if you catch her in the same place you are in and despite the distance, you can see her, it's just how she does to watch you from the distance.



She pretends like she doesn't see you. Watching someone from the distance is not bothering you until that person realizes that they've been watched. To avoid the getting busted, she tries her best to not get caught up watching you. Every time she knows you are about to look at her way, she pretends like she doesn't see you. It needs a high ability to keep undercover. It will make her more embarrassed if you know she is been looking at you, so she has to be careful.

She walks away when you bump into her accidently. At some point, being in the same place will make you bump into her accidently. It's not a good idea for her to get caught up. She will walk away and wishes she leaves no trace. But she doesn't know that she leaves you wonder why she is there and doesn't want to get caught. The signs she likes you but shy are getting clearer here.

She is stuttering while she talks. You have something to talk about with her, so you ask her if you and her can talk. She answers with a little trembling voice. She tries to act natural, but she can't hide that the words she says just don't come out easily. It takes her everything to look nice and treat you right. You may not know it, but talking to you is the best thing that happens to her. She wants to talk to you so bad, but she is just scared to do it first. When you talk to her, even about a simple thing, it will mean the world to her.



Thank you so much for reading my post. Please stay tuned for more.


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