Hello fellow #Steemians, its been 12 days since my last post and THIS IS IT! I QUIT!

I would like to take this oppurtunity to say thank you to those who supported me in my daily struggle, to those who stood by me every now and then, to those who never gave up on me. To you, i give you my humblest gratitude.

So now, i would like to declare that I QUIT!


  1. procrastinating
  2. not being organized
  3. wasting time

...and you thought that i was going to say "I QUIT STEEM" WILL I QUIT #Steem! Well, you can say that this is just another April's Fool joke...just a mild

These are the three things i would love to focus on and improve my current way of life...if you feel this way, you should to. We could always try to improve, if your not successful keep trying again. That's what makes us special...we can always choose either to give up or push on...believe me, pushing on is more satisfying than giving up.

It's always been in our gene to have this character, we always like to say...'hmmm...i'll do that later'. That 'later' will combine with other 'later' and soon you will have 'later' result. That is what i usually face, for instant to change a door knob can take me weeks to complete...just because of 'later' Finally after few weeks its

This comes after procrastinating. When you delay other work to be completed, your plan will all be in shambles. What you have organized or plan earlier will definitely by pushed to its limit. Its like, when on a weekend, you plan to do three things like washing your car, some wall painting and some house cleaning. At the end of the day, you only completed just one house cleaning which could be the easiest and just to satisfy at least you did one out of three. Then the rest of the chores will be pushed forward which will eventually makes you feel unorganized.

Wasting Time
As you know time is really precious, you can't turn back time. I believe most of us are doing it right now, with our phones sticking to our palm, and when any opportunity comes we will be checking messages, calls, likes, and latest is We should always have some time for ourselves, have a walk, jog, go to the gym, and set some time just to do social network...just not all the time.


I believe all the above is related, so if you have improved on one, you will improve on three. That's all i have for today fellow steemians.

Steem On...Don't


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