Why I want to be a writer.

My life as been a struggle, since i was 8 and i watched my mother start her battle with beast cancer. I watched her die just 4 years later. At that age you can get scars that your mind never heals just grows over. So lot of my childhood i was different then other kids so i spent a lot of time playing alone. But from about 8 to 11. I would stay close to the house because I knew she sometimes needed help. And i would not play video games or watch tv so she could rest between Chemo and Radiation treatments. So i would make these worlds in my mind that i could control. Most of my writing comes from this time. My novel Devil-Ance And the Rogues Revenge, is one of these world that I dreamed up as a kid. I'm sure i looked crazy to the neighborhood as i stood on the picnic table and pretended i was a space pirate boarding other ships. I didn't came up with the name till many years later. Most of the story i played as a kid. Growing up everyone said i should be a writer, even though I have a learning disability with language, and was in special classes. (Which i think made it worse since it was just a check all for kids who did not play well with others)I have worked very hard to improve my writing. And i hope these story's will transport people to a place outside their own. This is my first novel and i started writing it last year when i was homeless living in a tent in Portland. I have about 10 chapters written and have the whole story fleshed in my mind. Which i think is about 3 novels worth. It has twists and turn sad moments and happy. With a dark theme running though the story. So if you have time and love a Sci-fi story please check it out. Thank you for reading this!

Photo Source http://www.asthebirdfliesblog.com/posts/best-apps-for-distraction-free-productive-writing

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