Your Job Is NOT SAFE!

I get anxious about people. They have one job, and they rely on all the income from the job. If something goes wrong, there they are screwed. They will start by going back to an entry level job at minimum wage. When they spent years working for the same employer, building up their seniority and benefits. And their pay.

I realize more and more every day that employers have incredible power over their employees. All because they rely on the income.

I don't care what kind of job you work

Just because it's an industry that might be around forever. Doesn't mean your company will last. Sure you can go to the competitor company if your company falls through. But that still terrifying risk to take. With the technology every day we don't know what will come out next. What industries will be replaced? All the sudden, with cryptocurrency. Bankers are starting to worry about their jobs. And as we know, crypto has the potential replace just about every industry.

Don't get too comfortable

Being comfortable can sometimes be a good thing, But It seems like once we get comfortable with something. Something big changes. All the sudden we have to adapt to this new thing. Or make changes when it's already too late.

One Source Of Income

When you have one source of income, that entity controls you. Whether it's a job or your side hustle. One income puts you at risk. I realize this with my T-shirt business. I was relying on Amazon. All the sudden, Amazon changed something in their system. Dramatically dropping the sales of everybody selling shirts on their website, we have waited months, and nothing has changed. We still are getting the sells we were once used to. Amazon gave us no warning with this. While I had other sources of income, Amazon was the one I was using to pay my bills. I didn't want to spend the other source of income that I had. This shows how much power Amazon had over me. Because once I lost this income, I had to search for another one frantically. This is why diversifying your income is incredibly important. You never know what's gonna happen tomorrow, or six months from now. You can guess, but you could be wrong.

Rapid Inflation

While crypto is a great way to offset the effects of inflation our current currency. It's getting horrifying, while it seems like I have more money. I can't buy as many things. Food that I need to eat, or clothes or just the overall essentials. If your raises from your job are keeping up with inflation, you might have a problem. It'd require more and more money to survive. So by having more than one source of income, This gives you some leverage. On how much you make. One thing I hate about employers, is you don't get to pick how much you make. The employer chooses for you. I like to have control and how much I make. Even if it's a little bit.
I don't care what kind job you have, or if you think it's safe. You always need to be thinking ahead. Because you could lose that source of income anytime. And that loss would be really sad.

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