Why You Should ALWAYS Wait For A Sign


Ugh....So there are people out there, Who jump on opportunities and they go after things. You should NEVER do that... Without a sign.

Whether you believe in a god or outside sources of "signs." Signs are important you know! You should never do anything unless you see a "sign."

The Direction you go is Dictated by the Universe

Want to become a nurse? Well unless you see a sign, Don't bother.

The universe needs to send you some sort of indication that you are meant to be a nurse. Otherwise, any attempt at doing that will automatically make you fail.

Don't do Anything!

So many people sit back and do absolutely nothing! And they are right for doing so. Why would you want to make a move in life? Every time you take a risk or do anything, you risk failure. Why would you want to deal with failure? When you get a sign, you won't fail because you are about to do the thing you are meant to do. And that means perfect accuracy every time.

So What is a sign?

Signs can be complicated; You won't ever get one unless you are looking for it, Even then it's objective on whether or not it's even a sign at all. It could be a random occurrence caused by something else.
But if that gets you motivated to make a move, Then Go for it! It's a sign then.
Like if you want to ask someone to date you, If everyone around you is telling you, You should. That's a sign that you absolutely should. BUt if no one says anything about it, You should string her along as long as possible until you get that absolute indication that you should ask her out. Or If she starts "hinting" That's also a positive indication that you should do it. But don't take the risk of her possibly saying no. YOu should never take that risk in life.

Some of us are too proactive!

Ever heard of exhausting too many resources? When you are proactive in accomplishing your goals. That's exactly what happens! You accomplish way too much! So relax, You don't need to do anything. Spend your whole life waiting for signs. Thats the way to be!

This post is a joke!

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