Why You Should ALWAYS Be A "People Pleaser"!


Respecting yourself is overrated! Why would you want to treat yourself well, When you can make everyone else around you feel better about themselves?

You Wear A Mask

You are wearing a mask; You don't want to anyone to know what you are truly thinking and what you are feeling. Your goal is to ensure that anyone around you is happy! I mean, Masks are cool! Why just leave masks for Halloween? When can you use one everyday? This is a way to go about life. People should just read your mind on stuff, And if they can't. Then just do what they want. You should never impose. Because imposing would make that person angry, and that is unacceptable.


If you think that people think about other things in their day, You are wrong. The only thing people think about, Is you!
If you say no to them, They'll hate you forever, And you'll be the topic of their conversations for life. This whole world pretty much revolves around you. If you aren't capable of doing what they ask of you, No one is. Because no one is more capable than you. And you are doing a disservice when you aren't doing everything for everyone else. Because that is your duty in life! No one looks after their own needs; They are so absorbed with your needs, That you don't have to worry them making decisions Because every decision they make will fully benefit you!


Everyone Takes Advantage Of You!

As a people pleaser, you don't say no to anyone. So naturally, You may feel that people are taking advantage of you, Because of your inability to say "no".

It's a good thing when people take advantage; It just means they like what you are doing and they like the impact you are having in their life.
When you feel "tired" of it. Or annoyed, you aren't being a good person. Everyone has a right to deplete your resources! And leave nothing for you to use!
Everyone thinks in your best interest! So don't worry if you lose your house. Some random person down the street will buy you a new one!

Learn How To Say Yes!

When you say no, It makes you a bad person. If someone asks a favor of you, you must drop everything going on your life, And make sure you accomplish the task they asked of you.
Even if it means leaving work early, Without your bosses permission! You Should never deny your lives responsibility, Which is being a people pleaser!
Your money, time and effort aren't important! It doesn't matter if you want to do the task or not, You must do it Because it was asked of you!


You teach people how to treat you! So if you want everyone to use you, Like you were intended to be used. Then always make sure to do everything for them, Because the world revolves around you, And no one can do things without you!

  • For those of you who didn't catch on, Do the opposite of this post, It's a joke LOl.


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