Why I'm AGAINST Getting A College Education!


People have been horrified by my strong opinions lately. When I say that I'm against MOST people getting themselves a college education they are baffled. And often angry. I tell children to not go to college. I tell fellow adults, and I tell teenagers.

This is advice I wish someone had given me! I've already written about my horrible college experience. So I won't go over that again. But here are more reasons that I feel make college, And heck I could argue high school. A waste of time, And money!

School is Often Busy Work

Worksheets, Worksheets and more freaking worksheets!
I remember in jr high getting massive packets for my Earth Systems class... I was disappointed.

I would complete the massive stack in less than 10 minutes because Earth systems was a subject I was passionate about. I knew all the answers.
Packets, Is all we did. My teacher was trying to keep us busy, So he gave us busy work.
Worksheets may "help" you learn. But with people learning in different ways, it's important to incorporate different mediums, Which school was always so limiting. Almost all of my classes felt like I was "babysat." I wasn't learning much.

This was the same for college. They take your money and your time, Give you all these tests and crap. Then when you finish, they give you this useless piece of paper.

You Don't Always learn stuff That is IMPORTANT.

Most of what I learned was unnecessary. We learn too much math. That's for damn sure. MOST of us will never have a career where we use that advanced level of Algebra, Geometry or other math.
English? I get it; We should learn to read and write. But all those bizarre essays and shit. And All those weird formats didn't help me much at all. Sure, I write blog posts, But I don't write fancy essays using long, complex words that I would never use in a conversation, Which is funny. They also encourage you to write "In your voice." While telling you to use a larger vocabulary in essays.... Which one is it?
Science...This one is a bit difficult for me Because I'm biased. I love Science.
But do we need some of that complex chemistry?
I love Chemistry, but I don't remember most of it.
Do you know what they should teach in depth? EVOLUTION!
And what THEORY means.
History, I get it we need to know our country's history. I feel like we could argue both ways on this one. A lot of the history we do learn doesn't seem as important.
OF course whenever they make "budget cuts" They cut classes like Art, gym, Typing and Computers, Finance, And cooking classes.
These are the classes we should be taking MORE OF!
This is the same with college. All those stupid generals... Really? I was forced to take a "math for artists" class in college. That taught me multiplication and division all over again! I KNOW ALREADY!

Student Loans

Student loans are a joke.
I was in debt for years as a result. And I got no job as a result.
Many college graduates don't even use their degree, Becuase they quickly realize they can make more MONEY working at Frito Lay, Or UPS.
Which are entry level jobs!
Sure, Even if they DO get a job they like, And that's IF. Because lots of graduates are unemployed.
They are forced to either pick a job in their dream field that could potentially make them very HAPPY. But they'd be making much less! Or they can choose to make more at an entry level job.

Oh, and many college students are in serious debt. So when it comes to money Or happiness. They sometimes end up going where the money is so they can take down that loan as soon as possible.

You Aren't Taught Leadership Qualities

Obviously, everyone can't be a leader. But this cookie cutter education we are getting isn't working! We could be teaching Entrepreneur classes, Instead of teaching people to work for an employer. Especially with the rise of people starting their businesses.


While some people got a lot of benefits out of their college education, I feel we need to stop pushing so hard for everyone to go to college. These days a lot of people have degrees. It's become a somewhat diluted accomplishment.
We aren't learning the things necessary to live, As well as work in the workplace. Many employers have to end up doing in-depth training anyways. And college is overpriced and a waste of time.

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