Tips To Conserve Water!

We act like we have unlimited water resources, But we don't.
Eventually, if we keep wasting water, we won't have water to use anymore.
Sure it rains, and such, but unless we can figure out how to drink the ocean. We could be in trouble.
Conserving water isn't only good for the environment, but it's good for your wallet too.
We can save a lot of money over time by being careful with water.

Turn Off The Tap While Brushing Your Teeth.

This is a habit I've never understood. People leave it running the whole time they brush their teeth. That's 2 minutes straight of water going down the drain. That adds up fast!

Shower Bucket

I love this idea; Sometimes it takes a minute for your shower to warm up, So prop a bucket under the faucet and fill it as you wait for it to heat up, Reuse the water to water plants, Wash dishes, Or mop your floor.
Youcan also leaves it while you shower to collect some of the water falling.

Fill Sink with water while washing dishes

You can do this to handwash, Or before putting in the dishwasher. Although I don't know how clean it is to potentially wash dishes with dirty water, maybe it's something I should just try anyways.

Wash your dog outside

That way the excess water can water your grass

Leave your pee and don't flush

My Sister and I have been doing this for a while. And its saved a lot of water overtime.
When we pee we don't flush, We just leave it.
Some people are afraid to do this because of the smell. But the smell hasn't been a problem for us Unless we pee after waking up and are dehydrated. You can always tell by the color. But by flushing less, you save money! Most people only Go number 2 Once per day, So between me and my sister that 2 flushes per day. The average person pees 7 Times a day! So that means we are saving over 14 Flushes!
That's at least 14- 28 Gallons of water PER DAY!

Cut Showers Short

This can be a hard one if your a woman, Who shaves her whole body. But save your relaxing for the baths or other activities. Standing in the shower and having the water run like that adds up fast! Most people don't need to spend 30 minutes showering per day.

Shower Less

We have this obsession with showering each day. I'm one of them.
But did you know it's bad for you hair to wash it each day? If you work from home, or at an office, Showering each day may not be necessary. Obviously, if you work construction, or in a warehouse job. You'll need to shower each day.
I did a gross experiment with myself recently. I didn't shower for days. I stayed home and worked like normal. It took like four days before my hair started to get greasy, and I started to smell. For You, it might be a different number because everyone is different. But that just shows we can save money by showering less! You can always wipe yourself down with a damn washcloth too. If you are grossed out.

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