The 2017 Solar Eclipse!

Yeah, Sorry I'm late with this!
It happened on the 21st. I was in Salt Lake City, Utah Where we got a 91% Eclipse.
I was super excited and ordered glasses for the family weeks in advance, But was initially scared when I heard that Amazon took a lot of fake ones down


I get it; you gotta pay your bills. But that made me sick to think some children or adults may get their fake glasses and look directly at the sun. Don't stoop to that level! Geez! I can't belive that sellers could feel good about selling some that they know won't be good enough. Are they okay permanently damaging peoples eyes?

Anyways I got lucky, Mine came from the Arizona planetarium, and they were legit.

Of course, I rounded up my whole family and gave them glasses which I was a bit disappointed because I only had five pairs between 6 of us.

I Tried to get photos I'm sorry!

I tried everything; I brought out my go pro. Tried it with the glasses over it, Without the glasses, Same with my phone. I even made a homemade pizza box thingy; I just couldn't get it to work.

So I'm sorry I don't have any super cool photos of the actual eclipse but the event its self-was awesome!
It was weird because out of nowhere it became quite dark. And it cooled down.

Wallys confused look! Hahha

The dogs, of course, were confused to why we were all outside, And we caught them in the strawberry garden eating as many strawberries as they could!! hahha!

The Cool Eclipse Shadows!

Failed attempts at trying to get photos haha!

So Here is one I stole from the L.A. Times!
I hope to go to the next one in 2024 !

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