Stop! Being So Busy!

pexels-photo-299345.jpegh projects and such. I always feel like I'm finding these "once in a lifetime" opportunities that I need to pursue like crazy. While this is a good quality, I work hard and I"m getting what I want out of life. I realize more and more the "busy" never ends. And my to-do list is always so full and overwhelming.

Being Busy is a choice

Think about it. If your employer is forcing you to work tons of hours, And they refuse to cut back, You could quit your job.
While this may not be what you want from your life, It's possible.
Often we put too much on our plate when the reality is, We can cut back a lot.
It's kinda funny because recently I felt so overwhelmed and mentally exhausted from all the work I was doing, I kept thinking "Crap! I have to do this today, and this and this!"
And I realized more than anything I just wanted a day off to relax.
Then I thought about it,
I don't HAVE TO upload T-Shirt designs today; I don't HAVE to write that extra post. If I'm this exhausted, I can relax, and it's not like my heart will stop beating and I will die.

Being busy is often a choice, And sometimes we remove the things that don't need to be done right away.

We Choose Our schedules

As I outlined above. You can decide to work a job that gives you the schedule you want. If your self-employed like I am, We can make our schedules however we want.
We have a lot of choices, And many of us forget that. We have flexibility if we are willing to cut things out and make sacrifices.It's important for us to take that leap.
Plus it gives us a chance to get out of routine for a while, Which is fun!

Do Less!

I'm in love with the 80/20 rule, Which states: We get 80% of our results from the 20% we are doing.
Sometimes doing less, will get you much better results!

Less can be a scary word for most people. My self-included. But when we focus on fewer tasks, We can often do the tasks we are working on much better. The quality will be better; We will feel better about ourselves. We will also feel less overwhelmed and less "Busy."
We often associate busy with being productive. But that isn't always true, Sometimes being busy is just about working extra hours, And getting even less done!

If you simplify your life and your schedule you will see better results.

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