Should You Trust Your Gut?

Quit your job... My intuition said... Quit NOW!

I had been building my business for over a year. I was terrified. I knew at some point it would be time for me to quit. I had no idea when I was scared to find out.

When was the correct time to quit my job? I had income sources skyrocket, And I Was making good money. Then it seemed like overnight when they would fall again, And I would be broke.

Quitting was something I knew I had to get right. If I quit at the wrong time, I'd lose my wonderful job of 4 years and all of the benefits and raises I got with it.

One day I was at work, And I felt it. My intuition was telling me to quit.

Ignored it

I just had the gut instinct over and over again. This was back July of last year When the Steem price was high.
I kept going to work, Even though my gut told me it was time for me to be done.
Finally, I listened to it And pulled the trigger on my job.
I was terrified. But even as I look back 10 Months ago.. I did it at the right time. And I'm still self-employed.
I didn't even have savings when I quit.

How did my intuition know?

Your intuition is something that happens in the subconscious part of your brain. Your brain does a lot more than you think it does. Only a small portion of our thoughts are in the conscious part of our brain. Sometimes your brain can pick up on things that you don't realize. Like patterns, And potential danger. Sometimes you've been through bad experiences that occurred with a specific pattern of events. You may of not even noticed. But your subconscious picked up on it. And it's letting you know, That your about to go into danger again.

Is the thought reasonable?

Sometimes our intuition tells us to do a ridiculous things. At that point, you probably shouldn't listen. How do we know whats reasonable and what isn't?

Pros and cons list

Write a pros and cons list... I have mixed feelings with these. Are they stupid right? Because one part of the list always seems to grow larger than the other.
Like I only get ideas for one side, and the list becomes imbalanced.


You aren't making a list to "evaluate" what you truly want. Because you already know what you want most of the time. The list simply pulls that out.
The side of the list that grows bigger is usually what your subconscious wants.

So Go with it.

Haven't You Noticed Your Intuition Is Almost Always Right?

I always have those "Damn!" Moments when I fail to listen.
Although be careful because there is a difference between fear and intuition. Intuition will be more neutral while fear will be emotion based.

I remember once going on dates with this guy. He was great and all. We went on five dates. We got along really well, And we had lots in common. I was looking forward to potentially being his girlfriend!

But my Intuition felt that there was something off about him. Even though we weren't "official" or anything and he was free to date who ever and such. I felt like I was being used.
I ignored the feeling; I assumed I was insecure. I mean I had already met his family and a couple of his friends.
But things kept happening.

  • He insisted he wanted to take a photo together so he could post it on Facebook... The photo never went on Facebook...
  • I tagged him once in a funny meme that I saw. And with in minutes, He removed the tag. He didn't comment Or acknowledge the post... I assumed he might have just thought it wasn't funny or something.
  • He still had a lot of photos of him and his ex on his Facebook.
  • He also was always texting someone.
    I brushed these things off to just me being stupid and paranoid.

But my intuition was right all along. After the 5th date. My rabbit fell ill, And I had to take care of her. And he mysteriously disappeared. He later got back together with his ex. And he was using me to make his ex Girlfriend jealous. If I had listened to my instincts, I would have been able to stop wasting my time. But instead, I wasted a lot of time, On something that wasn't going anywhere.

(I Stole this photo off Google)

You should always listen to your subconscious when you can. Sometimes you may not understand why.
But usually, it's right!

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