How To Learn By Falling Forward!


We are GOING to fall! No matter what if we try anything. There is a good chance we may fail. Especially when it's the first time we've attempted something.
But when we fall, We can choose to fall forward or back.
It's up to you
We can spend all day feeling sorry for ourselves And blame ourselves for every little thing. It's not that hard.
But when we feel sorry for ourselves for everything that is not working, We fail to see the huge learning opportunity that sits right in front of our faces! That learning opportunity is our key to success, yet it's so easy to ignore it.

We Get So Close and then we fail.

Sometimes when we work our asses off, We end up failing a bit. It's so sad when you see those people who end up turning away because they feel it's impossible to get what they want.
When sometimes it just takes an additional effort that many won't do, because of their insecurities, Their laziness. Or whatever it is that they are choosing to hold them back at the given moment.

Take A Step Back

I've made the mistake of viciously attacking my goals so much that I forget to take a step back.
When you go after your goals that intensely. Sometimes you'll find out later that you were on the wrong path the whole time. That is why it's important to consistently reevaluate your choices and opportunities to see what will work the best for you at that moment. Sometimes new opportunities arise (Like Steemit), or you may have changed your mind on what you want to pursue entirely.

Take Risks

When we fail, We often feel that there is nothing left for us to do. We feel stuck, and we feel crappy. But that is one of the BEST times to take a big risk!
When I lost my Merch account, I almost didn't email them again. I felt like a failure, and I was hurting. But then it dawned on me...

" They already terminated my account, What is emailing going to hurt? With Merch, I'm at rock bottom, and at this point, they can't do anything more to bring me down. "
That's when I sent a very kind email, To remind them that I existed and that I wanted my account back. I explained to them that I felt I had a lot to offer for Merch.

I got my account back...
It ended up being some weird glitch. And It was reinstated.
See what happened?
I took a risk. And it paid off.
Everyday that you write on STeemit, You are taking a risk too.
Ths platform is still new. We don't know the future of Steemit! You are giving up your most precious resource to Steemit (your time). To get some of those rewards!
You have to take big risks to do great things!

Start Over

Sometimes in life you have to cut your loses and start over, This counts for everything relationships, Jobs whatever it is. Sometimes sticking it out truly isn't the best option. A good indication of that is when your thoughts start to get really toxic.
NOTE: Sometimes toxic thoughts mean you need a break. So take a break and come back.
If you still feel that way. Prepare to leave! And be open to starting over!

Bad things don't have to ever destroy you! You can fight through them and use them as a learning experience to thrive!
Just do it!

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