Get Rejected!

People spend so much of their time afraid of rejection. It's silly really.
We are afraid of the very thing that will propel us closer to our dreams.
We tend to underestimate the benefits of rejection and instead focus on 5,000 things that could go wrong instead of right.
Humans naturally avoid risk. Even when things are in our favor.

Helps You Get Used To It!

When you get rejected, You eventually start to get used to it. Which will make it that much easier to take an even bigger risk the next time. This moves you forward and makes you grow as a person.
Someone who never takes any risk will even be afraid of the smaller risks that come up. But you won't be. You'll be used to taking risks in general. So the larger ones will be less intimidating.

Gets You Closer To Your Goals

Rejection helps you to grow, As long as you don't allow yourself to wallow in your pity when you fail.
It's important to fight to get back up and keep going. This will allow you to gradually move in the direction of your goals.
If you want something bad enough, you can make it happen. Your brain will find more pathways to that destination even if they seem hard to see at the moment.

Every One Has To Deal With It

Everyone gets rejected. Those who don't, Are often not trying hard enough to get closer to those goals.
Facing rejection is a part of life, And even really well known and very successful people have to face rejection at times. J.K. Rowling is an excellent example of that. Imagine a world without Harry Potter!?

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